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"Jesus, Evans; I agreed to a quick lunch not a gourmet meal," Chad said, chuckling as he examined the menu. He was currently seated across from Ryan in a restaurant that was much too fancy for the darker male. Ryan grinned and shrugged.

"Well, if that's the case, I'm sure we can find a food truck somewhere," he stated. Chad looked at him and shook his head.

"What? No, this is, uh, great." Ryan raised an eyebrow at him.

"You sure?" He asked, faking an unsure expression.

"Yes, I'm positive, Evans," Chad replied, chuckling. Ryan smiled and leaned back into his seat and turned his attention to the menu in his hands. Chad stole a glance at him and couldn't help but smile as well.


"Dude, where were you?" Troy asked as he caught up with his best friend. Chad shrugged and grabbed his bag from his locker. He and Ryan had stayed at the restaurant for a good twenty to twenty-five minutes and returned to school with a couple of minutes left to spare. They spent those couple of minutes talking and Ryan even suggested he come hand out with him and Kelsie during free period and after school sometime. Somehow, Chad ended up with his number. How he had gotten so lucky, he would never know.

"Skipping," he replied. Troy frowned and folded his arms.

"Well, duh, Chad I know you were skipping. But, where?"

"Does it matter?" Chad asked, closing his locker. Troy's arms fell back to his side as his annoyed face quickly turned into one of hurt. Chad sighed and glanced down. "Sorry," he apologized. Troy shook his head and sighed.

"No, it's fine. I shouldn't have pushed you. You just, rarely skip. And when you do, you usually tell me beforehand," Chad nodded and shouldered his backpack.

"I know, and I'm sorry. I should've told you, but I just needed some alone time," he sighed. Troy nodded and glanced down. "And, I was just grabbing some lunch with Ryan," he said, deciding to give Troy some closure. Troy looked up at him and raised a eyebrow at him.

"What, Evans?" He asked and Chad rolled his eyes.

"No, dude, Ryan Adams. Yes, Ryan Evans," he said, chuckling at the look Troy gave him. "What," he asked as they began leaving the school.

"Well, for one, if you're actually listening to Ryan Adams, we need to have a talk. And second, why Ryan Evans?" He asked and Chad shrugged again.

"First of all, I don't listen to him, my dad does. And secondly, he was skipping too and he suggested going out to get some lunch. And since I'm guessing you didn't notice, I didn't really eat during lunch." Troy nodded and let out an audible "oh."

"Hey, uh, you need a ride?" Troy asked and Chad shook his head.

"Nah, my dad's gonna pick me up," he replied. Troy nodded and clapped Chad on the back before telling him bye and walking off.

"Hey, Chad," a certain blond said as he came up from behind him. Chad spun, slightly surprised and smiled at Ryan.

"Hey, Evans," he replied.

"Waiting for somebody?" He asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Uh, yeah, my dad," Chad replied. Ryan nodded and absentmindedly rocked back and forth on his heels. Chad felt his heart clench as he watched him. Jesus Christ he was adorable. Wait, what the hell? Adorable? Since when was Ryan Evans adorable to him?

"Hey, maybe me and Sharpay can give you a ride," Ryan suggested. "It'd be better than you waiting out in this heat." Chad frowned as he thought about it. Normally, he wouldn't be caught within twenty feet of Sharpay's pink convertible. Or Sharpay in general. But if Ryan was around to help keep her off his back, then maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea. Chad looked up at him and nodded.

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