second Parents Day

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Max's P.O.V
I'm in camp camp I hate this place. It was 5:12 am and I had razor blade in hand and I was crying blood was dripping onto my sheets I was upset but I knew everyone's gonna wake up soon so I clean the blood up and wiped my tears "Max..?" I was a little startled and saw Neil was up "oh..hey Neil.." I replied to him "why are you awake?.." he said I needed to improvise so I repeat something David said it's all I thought of! "Im worried about 2nd parents day.." I said "oh..why?" Neil asked "..I'm gonna have a repeat..of the same thing last time.." I replied "oh.." Neil said as he sits next to me " can..just hangout with me until then?.." Neil asked "sure.." I said now..ok don't tell Neil but..I like Neil a lot..he's my best friend..and I dunno he's a nerd! But he is..cute..I love him OK!? Fuck off it was 7:00 and David called everyone to the dining area we went in as David waited at the gate to get the parents I didn't eat I wasn't excited at all like what's so ever.."Max!!" Nikki yelled "huh!?" I replied "you spaced out again!" Nikki said "sorry.." I replied "you ok?" Nikki said "I'm ok..just tired is all.." I said David busted in with the parents everyone hanged out Neil being pulled by his dad David looked at me "Max.." David was gonna talk "don''s just another repeat..I'm done.." I said going to my tent I wasn't happy I wasn't sad I was..depressed..I went in my tent and sat in my bed I pulled out my bear hugged it and sobbed falling asleep right after woken up by Neil "hey Neil.." I said "dude...someone is asking for you.." he said I was confused I got up fixed my hair put on my shoes and walked to the cafeteria I opened the door everyone was shocked looking at the other entrance I looked over I was shocked scared and was my parents they looked over at me and walked to me I was shaking violently "Hi Max." My father said his voice scared me I didn't want to be near him "We've heard what you have done over the summer." My mom said standing next to my father my knees felt like jelly I couldn't move the only movement I can do right now was shaking I wanted to run but my feet wouldn't move I couldn't talk I wanted them to back up but I couldn't spit it out "back up a bit" David stepped in snapping me out of my thoughts "it's our son." My mother said "some space alright." David said they backed up and David picked me up calming my shaking down

I feel safe.

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