Question 1: First Encounter with [X] and His Wonderful Geniuses

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"What the hell is going on here?", says the unexpected duo of shy Nariyuki Yuiga and coolheaded Itsuki Roiyaru glancing at their respective group of friends.

"Ah, Nariyuki-kun!" One Uruka Takemoto exclaims happily pointing at a dark-skinned girl in front of her. "Look, look! There's a girl who acts and looks just like me!"

"Th-Th-That's not something you should particularly be proud of, Uruka...", Nariyuki stutters out with nervous sweat trickling down his forehead.

Just then, Itsuki felt a small tug on his shirt. "Huh?", he says before looking over to see a girl pulling on his sleeve, this girl being his first female best friend, Everette Haiya.

"Roiyaru-kun! There's a girl that looks and acts eerily similar to me!" She tells him with an almost uncontrollable excitement in her voice and posture. She then smiles as she motions towards Uruka with glee.

"Greeeaaat.", Itsuki replies back, trying his best to stay positive. "Another airhead to join our party."

"Hey!" Calls out Yukichi Midarana, the British ex-girlfriend and now close friend of Itsuki. "That's not very posh at all, Itsuki-sama!" The very swish teenager finishes off with a cheeky grin.

Though highly confused at first, the usually calm teen was slowly but surely about to lose one of his many defining character traits. "I'm not your king first off, Yukichi.", he retorts back with a wobbly smile. "And I thought you to stop callin' me that."

"Not my king anymore, Itsuki-sama.~"

"Stop it already, you lustful beauty!"

'I have a feeling Kominami senpai would have a field day with those two.' Yuiga thinks to himself as he watched the two argue.

We Never Learn x LightSpeed Love

While those two were being unintentional flirts, Fumino Furuhashi was starstruck by a sight she rarely witnessed. What wondrous view better than that of another beauty in the mix, her name being Yocchan Shiozaki, close friend and classmate of Itsuki's. Her wandering eyes soon caught the attention of said female, a sharp glare set on the silky-haired female.

"Whattaya starin' at, cute ass?", Yocchan asks furrowing her brows.

'Oh no! I must've stared too long and now she's gonna kill me!' Fumino panics in her head before repeating Yocchan's words silently. 'Wait...did she me "cute"?'

On the outside, Shiozaki glances worriedly at Fumino, watching her go back and forth from panicked to her usually shy personality. "You alright over here?", she starts to question whilst walking over to her.

Still lost in her thoughts Furuhashi peeks up at the confused raven next to her. Aside from her scarlet orbs, athletic yet feminine build and tomboyish clothing, the blue-haired genius noticed one quality that immediately grabbed her attention. She gets up instantly wrapping her arms around the slightly beefy cupcake.

The spiky-haired student nearly trips from the surprise hug. "C-C-Careful idiot! That's mainly my chest you're puttin' weight on...", Yocchan warns her with a flushed face.

"I know.", Fumino replies in a muffled voice. "And it's perfect." Her grip only strengthens around Yocchan as she thinks to herself once more. 'Who would've thought I'd meet another flat-chested girl at random?! And she's pretty adorable, albeit a bit too strong...'

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