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                                                                    ROMANIA, 2010

            It was dark out. The only lights were coming from the bright moon and the dimmed lights inside my room in the castle. I stood by the window, staring into the night sky and the city of Romania. A tear managed to escape my eye. I was wearing a black strapless dress with matching elbow-length gloves and knee-high boots. The dress was pretty, but the context wasn't. I didn't want to be here, but I had to. All that mattered was that everybody else was safe.
            A gypsy entered my room. "He's expecting you, darling." She said in her soft Romanian accent. It was comforting, but at the same time wasn't.
           I hesitantly turned to the gypsy and nodded. "Tell him i'll be there."
           After the gypsy left, I followed her out the room door and slowly walked down the creaky wooden stairs of the castle. My stomach tightened as I was getting closer to facing the person who was expecting me.

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