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I have decided to write this for one reason. The boy in my life right now is very special to me, and I discovered a few days before I started writing that I was imagining my future and he was a part of it. You see, I have dated at least four or five boys in my life, and I have never thought of one of them as being part of my future. When I tried, I just couldn't see it. One day though, I noticed that I could actually see this one being a part of my future, and even saw myself planning a way to live in Austin if he were to make it to the capitol. This work is dedicated to that boy, because I realized he is not just a "boyfriend" he is my best friend and even if things didn't work out (which it didn't in the past) I can still see him being there because of how close we are. I have never told a boy I loved them, but this one I can. When I say it, it just feels right. It's hard to explain, and as a writer I thought when I knew it I'd be the one to describe it... but even I'm struggling to describe this feeling I have for this boy. It's more intimate than love, stronger then passion, and more beautiful than anything I've ever seen. It's just... hard to actualy describe it, but I finally understand what those old people were talking about when they said: "You'll just... know."

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