Chapter 1

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This mission is quite simple really. We have to go to Suna, retrieve a scroll, and then deliver the scroll to Bachan. The problem is that it's hard to hide my disease from a medic, and a whole team of people that's known me for years. I try not to cough to much but it doesn't do anything but annoy me. If only Sasuke would return. Then maybe I could get him to love me the way I love him.

I think it all starters the first time I saw him honestly. That teme made, well makes me feel mad, sad, happy, and so much more! I just wish... I wish that I could tell him. I want him to hold me. I want us to protect each other. To be in his presence. My heart pleads for him and so do my lounges. The last time I saw him he took my breathe away. I knew he wouldn't look the same as when we were kids but, the strange feeling I had became more apparent. I soon developed this weird disease and realized the feelings I had towards him wasn't just on of friendship but something more. I realized I loved him. It made things a lot worse.

I couldn't sleep for days on count. I just kept thinking about him. "That damn teme!" I whisper yell as I look at the timer. I called first watch and I only had two minutes left. I cough up a petal and a bit of blood. I sigh and reach for my pack drinking some of the water I had in my orange canteen. I'm not even tired really.



I get up and walk over to Kakashi who was sleeping on the opposite side of the camp fire. "Kakashi-Sensei, it's your turn to watch." I tell him shaking him awake a bit. He opens his eye and looks at me; he starts to sit up and I walk back to my sleeping bag. "Get some rest Naruto. You look tired." I chuckle. "Me tired? Please, maybe when pigs fly." I tell him in a whisper. He chuckled and I lay down coughing a bit and closing my eyes. This is going to be a long trip. I sigh.

Next day

We finally managed to get to Suna; making our way to Garra I notice all of the festive decorations hanging everywhere. "What is all this?" I ask. Sakura turns. "Today marks the anniversary of The villages establishment. They are having a week long festival to celebrate." She looked straight again and continued to walk. "How important is this scroll?" I asked. "I think it's just supplies for more weapons." She stated. "Think we could stay for the day?! I want to go to all the vendors! I've been filling up gamma-Chan for months now for a special occasion." I asked while basically shoving my wallet in her face. "No Naruto. We are in duty. We can come next year if you really want to." Sakura told me. I froze I might not last that long... Well she doesn't need to know that. I picked up my pace to be shoulder to shoulder again. "Okay Sakura-Chan!" I smile at her.

We finally made it to the tower and me being the person I am barged in to Garra's office. "Hey Garra!" I yelled. He looked up from his paper work. "Hello Naruto. Kakashi, Sakura, sai." He greeted. "Naruto how many times do I have to tell you he is a kage! You have to knock." Sakura told me hitting me on my head. "Sorry Sakura." I told her holding my head. I looked towards Garra and he looked amused. "It's fine I don't mind. Here is the scroll. It contains information that can help prevent a quarrel between two villages on the borders of fire and wind."

"Thank you Kamikage-sama." Kakashi said as we all bowed. "No need for all that. Anyway, it isn't to big of a deal. Do you suppose you will be staying in suna for a couple days? We are having a celebration of the independence of suna." Garra told us while shuffling some papers in his desk. "I was trying to talk them into it but Sakura was all like 'We are on duty' and stuff." I did y best Sakura impression. Which got me a hit on my head. "Mm, I don't see the problem with staying the night and heading out tomorrow if you guys want to explore." Kakashi told us. "Yes, I could use this time to see the differences in Konaha's festivities and Suna's." Sai stated with his fake smile. "If Kakashi says so." Sakura looked at me. "YES! Garra are you gonna join us!?" I asked enthusiastically.

"I'm busy Naruto maybe another time." Garra told me hinting to all the paper work. "That's okay Garra! See you next time we are in town. You better tell me though when your in Konaha so I can treat you to ramen." I smiled. "Of course I will. You are all dismissed." We all walked out of his office and down the hall. My throat has been itchy. Maybe a cup of tea will soothe it. I cough a bit. "Let's find somewhere to eat. I'm starving!" I stated.

What's up! I've finally updated this story seeing all the views on the prologue really inspired me. I know this chapter wasn't very long but, I'll update soon when I get more ideas. Have a fantastically fabulous day my angels.

Sorry for grammar and spelling errors

Hanahaki Disease :Naruto fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें