chapter 1 : the nurse corps

Start from the beginning

" Why is he ignoring you, mon amour?" Charlotte's mother asked her. 

" I don't know. I've never talked to him, in like person, so I don't know why he won't even look at me anymore." she sighed, placing the strawberry into its place. 

" Remember, patience. And you're 14, you don't need a boyfriend." her mother scolded her, by whacking her with a towel gently. 

" Mom!" the girl whined, shoving away the towel. The two laughed, and then settled down and began picking the leaves again. 

" MJ's mom wants us over for dinner at some point this week." Charlotte said.

" Great! I've already made plans to cook up some different deserts as well." her mother said, zipping into the fridge to obtain some ingredients. 

" I've been trying to help MJ keep her mother happy, well since her grandfather, her mother's father died, and sometimes I just don't know what to do.

" Remember what I've said honey," he mother said, leaning forward and cupping his daughter's cheek." Happiness is the best medicine. You live that up for her, it might change her whole perspective of this situation." her mother explained. 

" Momma! Momma!" a voice suddenly called, and her mother turned to pick up Felix, pulling at his mother's skirt, that hung loosely around her knees. 

" Yes, cherie?" my mother said, bending down to hold the child in her arms." Dadda is home!" Felix cried happily, before turning to Charlotte and squealing.

" Charlie!" he squealed and reached for her. 

" Hey Felix." she cooed and took the boy from her mother's arms. Oliver, the family's German Shepherd, came racing in with Charlotte's father right behind her. 

" Papa!" the young girl called, hurrying over with Felix towards her father as he encased two of his children in a tight hug.

" How are you two?" he asked, pulling away, and tucking a strand of hair behind his daughter's ear. 

" Did you hear about Hitler?" she asked, with eyes of wonder. Her father looked up meeting the eyes of her mother. 

" Anna, what's going on?" he asked, a serious expression falling on his face. Charlotte's mother stopped stirring the pot of soup, and placed down the spoon. 

" Hitler invaded Poland today. It's all over the news." her mother said. Charlotte's father walked over to the radio and turned up the volume as a speaker's voice came through. 

" Charlie, go and get your brothers and sister, tell them dinner's ready." her mother said. 

" Of course, mama." she called, placing Felix on the ground and grabbing his hand. The two siblings walked upstairs and towards the 'playroom' at the top of the house. She found Lucie sitting near the window, writing and rewriting a letter over and over. Louis was reading, and Leroy was doing homework. 

" Dinner's ready." she called walking into the room. 

" Thank freaking god." Leroy said, slamming his Algebra book closed with a sigh, " I need to get away from this." 

" Mr. Stress Ball, has been going off for hours about who he's asking to Homecoming, about homework, football, and his test next week." Louis said closing the book." And little miss heart eyes, can't compile a letter for her 7th grade crush." he said with a smirk standing. Lucie turned and glared at her brother.

" Louis Tarvers, je vais claquer vos fesses à Washington DC." she snapped back in rushed French, making Charlotte laugh, walking over to stand next to her sister.

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