"Can I get one of each," I say.  She just stares at me.  I feel kinda awkward.

"Oh yeah, of course," she says, "Sorry I just love your Shion cosplay, it looks great!"

I blush, "Thank you."  She hands me the books and I hand her the money.

"Do you mind if I ask for your name," she says.

"My name is L/N Y/N," I say, "and yours?"

"Mine is Nishina Shima," she says.

'Wow such a pretty name,' I thought to myself, 'she was so nice maybe I should ask for her number.'  "Can I get your number, I'd love to be friends," I say handing her my phone. 

"Yeah," she says now typing in her number.

"Thanks, I'll text you after the con," I say waving goodbye.

Shima POV

'Yes my 1st sale, I can't believe it, she was really pretty, I can't wait to be friends.'

Another girl comes up, she's a little chubby and has purple hair, 'no way a second sale already.'

"Can I get everything from here to here," she says.

'Wow she's so cool' I thought.  I hand her the doujinshis.  "What's your name," I say, but the next thing I know she is heading to another table.

Time Skip-To heading home


Kae and I were heading out.  We both had bags full of stuff and were walking to my car.  She got a whole bunch of doujinshis, but I got a whole bunch of keychains, artwork, and pins.  I only got a couple of doujinshis.  I open my car's trunk and we put our stuff inside.  We get in my car and head to Kae's house.

"I'm going on a date with Asuma's brother," I say snickering.

"Really?! That's interesting, he is cute. Where is he taking you?" Kae says.

"To a cafe," I say.

"Hmm that's cool, tell me everything later," she says.

"Okay, I will," I laugh a little.  We arrived at her house.  I drop her off, she grabs her stuff, I wave goodbye, and I head home.

I lived alone because I'm independent.  My parents lived in another district and I wanted to go to the same high school as Kae.  I arrive home and unpack my stuff.  I posted the stuff on my cosplay account of what I got from Comiket Festival.

I text Shima.

Y/N: Hey Shima, this is y/n.  I just got home, did you finish packing up your stuff?

Shima: Hi, yeah I have I'm just heading back home.

Shima: What school do you go to *whatever the junior high name she went to*, I'm a 3rd year.

Y/N: What?! I'm a 2nd year at *whatever high school is in the anime*.  You looked older.

Shima: lol really I thought I looked young.  I'm going to that high school next year, so I'll see you next year.

Y/N: Oh really? That's so cool!

Shima: I just got home and I have to unpack, so I'll talk to you later.

Shima: Do you have a boyfriend?

Y/N: lol nope I'm a single pringle, yeah it is late Good Night


I turn off my phone and go to sleep.

Time Skip-To Morning

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