chapter forty-six

Start from the beginning

“No! Really?”


“It’s beautiful!”

“You think she’ll like it?”

“I think Lauren will love it!”

“Me, too.” He said as a sales lady walked over to us.

“Would you like to try anything on ma’am?” she asked me and I just had to laugh.

“Oh, no, this isn’t for me.” She looked confused and turned to Nick.

“Can I see that one?” he asked pointing to it. She nodded, unlocked the case and handed it to Nick.

“Yup, that’s the one. I’m going to marry Lauren.”

I smiled up at him. I never saw Nick as the marrying type but maybe he really did love Lauren, I mean she did seem like a sweet person sometimes, well, once in a great while.

He bought the ring and then we went to the food court.

“Tell me what happened with you and Morgan.” Nick said after taking a sip of his drink.

“I’d rather not.”

“Oh, come on! He didn’t tell me, which is shocking, so could you please?” he was making a puppy dog face. I rolled my eyes and caved.

“Don’t hate me,” I warned him.

“I could never! Now what did you do this time?” I told him everything. I was waiting for him to say something during it but he didn’t.

“Morgan’s a dumbass,” he muttered.

“Excuse me?” I asked shocked. How is he the dumbass?

“Well, so are you.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“Well, you both love each other, but you want a break and he doesn’t. But he knows you want a break and he still took you home, so that was dumb. And you’re the one who wants the break yet you go calling him and then kissing him! What am I going to do with you both?” I rolled my eyes. But Nick did have a point. We were both dumbasses.

“I love him, I do, it’s just, I can’t be with him.”


“I mean, I wish I could, but I took initiative and now I really can’t! But we do need a break, I needed to find things out and then last night,”

“Addie!” Nick yelled.

“What?” I hissed back. Geez what was with him? He pointed behind me where Morgan was standing with Olivia. Oh, fuck.

“Livy, want to go to the arcade?” Nick asked and she nodded her head. Oh, great. Just leave me with the man I left and was just talking about. After they left Morgan took Nick’s seat that he was sitting in.

“You still love me?” Yes, too much. I didn’t say that though, I didn’t say anything.

“Damn it, Addie. You owe me answers. I need answers.” He was right he did, and he deserved them after everything that had happened.

“Yes, I do.” He nodded and messed with his hair. That’s what he always did when he was stressed and thinking.

After a few moments of no talking he finally said something. “Then why end us? Was it really just because of what I said about the baby? Addie you got to know, that’s a difficult subject. I don’t want Lauren, at all. Plus she’s got my bimbo of a brother. I want you Addie. I love you, so much! I don’t know what else I can do to prove that to you!” he wasn’t really yelling but he wasn’t talking quietly. I could tell right then how much I had hurt him.

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now