Which Chris is not yet a father?

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You found out that you are pregnant with Chris' baby. You planned to tell him but he was too busy with the whole press tour thing and you couldn't find the perfect moment and special way to do so. The Ellen Show turned out to help you!

The Ellen Show—

"Let's welcome our guest today, Y/N!"

You heard Ellen introducing you, you walked out with the huge applause from the audience.

"Thank you, Ellen. It's so good to be here!" You said while sitting down on the sofa.

"It's good to have you here! So, I can see your wedding ring on your ring finger!"

Since Ellen mentioned the ring, you stared and slightly twirled it a bit before you responded to her.

"Yes, ha! Still getting used to it!"

"Okay! So I believe that you are so familiar with Evans, and also other Chrises, right?"

"I think you may say so since I am working at the MCU."

The screen behind you showed the photo of you with all Chrises from MCU, and once again the audience cheered. You took a look at the screen and couldn't help but laughed out loud. The photo was the one that Chris holding you in his arms but the other Chrises stared at you two with the "ewwww gross" face.

"Well! Then I think you're gonna nail our game! 'Which Chris?' "

"Oh my gosh! I love it!!! Last time I saw the other cast playing it in another interview, it was so hilarious!"

"Cool! But before we get started, I would like to invite YOUR Chris to come up here." Ellen being funny herself, emphasized on the word "YOUR" to make all people in the room laughed. They all cheered and applauded so loudly when they heard that Chris is gonna come up.

"What??? I need to play with him?? Oh my gosh, it's gonna be so AWKWARD."

"Oh Evans, I think it will be fun," Chris said it with a playful tone and he sat down at the space next to you.

"Without further ado, let's get started! Please hold your sets of Chris' heads."

You laughed when you saw the cardboards with the heads. They were so hilarious, especially with Chris Evans' one because it's a photo of him rolling his eyes.

"Seriously, Ellen? After all my visits here, you cannot find a better picture of me?" Chris jokingly asked.

"Oh! Don't blame Ellen, blame yourself!" You smacked his arms and he muttered an "ouch".

"You're lucky that I love you." Chris slightly smacked you back.

"The feeling is mutual."

The audience started to awe by how sweet you and Chris were.

"Okay lovebirds! I am a big third wheel here, aren't I? First question, which Chris got the biggest abs?"

"Oh come on!" Chris pretended to be annoyed by this question. Both of you held up Hemsworth's cardboard.

"There is no way that the other two can win in this category." You said when you were touching Chris' left arm to comfort him.

"I hate this game already!" Chris' mutter made everyone in the room burst out laughing.

"Which Chris has been the most theatrical of his whole life?"

"Oh you!" You answered when you pointed your finger at your husband.

"Yeah, that's me!" Chris held up his cardboard and made the same "rolling eyes" face.

"For those who don't know the answer, you can check Evans' Twitter for his letter which he wrote when he was in high school," Ellen added the information here and the big screen behind showed the letter.

"Yes! He was a bold high school kid back then!" You commented on the letter.

"Next question, who's the most childish Chris?"

"Definitely Chris Evans!" You answered it without any thoughts.

"Yeah, I totally agree with my wife on this one." Chris giggled when he said so.

"Which Chris can drink more beer?"

"Oh! I remember there was once that the three of them drank a lot in RDJ's party. Three of them had drunk quite a lot, can I pass this one?" You covered your face with your hands to pretend that you're frustrated by finding the answer.

"I am definitely saying it's me! I am not gonna lose this one!" Chris held the cardboard of his head up high to show his determination.

"Okay, being a supportive wife, I pick you." You held up Chris' head cardboard while saying it.

"Well, I think it's time for our last question cause I believe all of us are tired of seeing you two being this sweet. Which Chris is not yet a father?"

Everyone in the studio cheered and most of them laughed because everyone knew the answer to this question.

But for you, you're stunned by Ellen's question. You adjusted yourself a bit from your seat and there was a smile broke across your face.

"It's gonna be..." You could see that your husband was holding up the cardboard with his head, but your word stopped him.

"Wow it's a tough one, but my answer is none of them."

Both Ellen and Chris widened their eyes and stared at you.

"Babe you don't mean that..."

"I was finding the perfect moment and the perfect way to tell you these days...But I saw how tired you were after those press tours...And I think that the moment telling you should be the most special moment of ours, so..."

Chris neglected the camera was still rolling, he held you in his arms so passionately which made a "pop" sound through the tiny microphone attached on his chest and kissed you with all his love. The audience shouted so loudly for joy and they all stood up to applause.

"Congratulations you two! I hope my question didn't ruin your special moment."

Chris and you broke your shared kiss and Chris wiped the tears on your face with his thumb. You two stared and smiled at each other.

"No, no. Don't you think that! I am glad that you popped up that question, otherwise this guy here is not gonna find out until he sees my little bump." You joked and pointed to Chris, whose eyes were welled up and buried his face in your neck.

"I better end this before Chris can embarrass himself furthermore. Chris and y/n Evans with their little one, everybody."

Ellen stood up from the sofa, so as Chris and you. Ellen hugged you two one by one and congratulated you guys one more time. You two left the stage with all the applause from the audience.

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