Precious Little lamb

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Lavender keeps running on even as night continues with her bell to guide her she seeks freedom. Escaping the hell of Chester's side show of wonders the little girl does not look back. But unfourtanly one miss step trips her into a cage locking her instantly. She tries the bars but they do no budge that is when her floppy lamb ears picks up foot steps. Oh no it's him she thought with her small heart pounding like a drum " please I'm sorry I won't ever run away again !" Lavender pleads. The foot steps stop and kneels down to the cage with a calm voice. " my my it seems I caught something interesting in my trap." Lavender was confused that's not Mr. chesters raspy voice. She then here's the  door opens she feels gentle hands  coaxing  her out of the cage. " now then come to uncle Alastor my sweet " said the voice again. Lavenders heart drops ALASTOR no no no she knows that very name. She pushes herself  back into the cage hugging her chest  shaking and whimpers . That name only spells out fear the famous serial killer/ radio host  Alastor who's never been caught .cause no one ever sees his true face. She begins to choke out some broken words " p please m Mr Alastor I I don't want t to die please i wont tell any one your out here I I." Alastor simply watches her shake in the inclosed space So she's heard of me he smiles. he was going to ask her name but she continues to softly pleads to spare her life. sighing Alastor tries again to get her out of his cage he set up for hunting game. He feels her trembling so much.  " Oh you poor little thing your shaking like a leaf ". He manages to get her out to hold her in his arms seeing her better. He sighs such a adorable sight she is for now he takes her to his home not far from where he had the trap set ." there there precious lamb uncle alastors  is here". Lavender squeaks more pleas alastor starts humming a lulaby. his home hidden deep in the Forrest  continues his humming with poor little lavender pleas don't seem to reach him. Inside he takes her upstairs to his room there he places lavender in his  beautiful dark oak king size bed laying her head on the plush red pillow. She starts to drift " I m sor ry" one yawn and she's out like a candle he stops his hum. Alastor chuckles how sweet it didn't take long to have her fall asleep. As he starts to covers the little girl with the blanket he takes another  good look  at her. A little puff tail,small grey horns, floppy ears even a bell around her neck. She is indeed a darling little lamb.Hes seen her before but where oh yes that bore of side show.looking at a  flyer he picked up recently  her name is lavender  She must be the star attraction. it's obivious she ran away the poor creature must of suffered . He was about to pet her hair when suddenly "bam bam bam" a rude knocking was at his door. He look to see the girl still asleep thankfully she's so exhausted it didn't faze her. Keeping a cool approach closing the door behind him he fixes his bow to answer the door. "Yes may I " WHERE IS MMPH" Alastor manages to cover the grouchy Chesters yapp. Oh how he hate yelling and of course he noticed the middle age man has been drinking. His breath was so foul even Alastor avoids whiskey he prefers ginger ale as his choice of a bubbly drink. He moves to grabbing the man's throat to give a small squeeze. Chester feels the pressure how can such a thin guy would have such strength. Alastor then let's go to push him off the steps of his porch and into the grass. Getting his wits back with him Chester comes back up this time with a knife " that Brat is my property her life belongs to me and hell that I'm no going loose my cash sheep to you ." He threatens with slur words. Alastor gives a small yawn of his boredom of this slob that he pulls something from his jacket. He pulls out a check book and clicks a beautiful fountain pen. " tell me your price to leave the girl be and to be on your way  ". " you think your so great hic you think you can pay me off like some floozy Out of hic way bastard!" Chester takes a few swings but doesn't comes close Alastor gives a swift kicked to his head. Putting up the check book and pen he goes to grab Chester by his collar. " listen here you disgusting oaf  I gave you the option to leave here alive "chester with a shock woke and felt a small pirece of his own knife to  his chest. Fear struck the man seeing a smile coming from Alastor begging it's out of the question this was it. Alastor was going to finish the deed to be rid of this druken slob once and for all. Then he hears a gentle bell his smile doesn't leave.Lavender hides in the door way knowing something really bad was going to happen to the side show owner. Alastor gives a sweet voice " lavender isnt it " she jumps abit to hear her name from Alastor "um y yes m Mr. Alastor"." Even though she can't see the knife, or the pain on Chester's face  Alastor makes sure he blocks her view.     Taking the knife out the wound. he master the skill to clean it on chesters jacket and puts it back into the pocket. He goes on to fixing up the still shocked man and writes out the check and places in a small pocket " Mr. Chester and i came to a agreement that its best since your needing some lessons in growing into a fine young lady one day  , that I will be your instructor and you will stay with me how does that sound darling.lavender is surprised of all of this did Mr. Chester really agreed to this arrangement since even after he's threaten her to never disobey him. Since in the past he tells her that  Alastor  would do horrible unspeakable  things to her. Did she really want to go back sleeping in a pen her ears being pulled, by bullies calling her a freak. Even times not getting food or water that her stomach would ache. Or be with this serial killer that he can end her life even to hunt her down like sport. Yet when they met he has done nothing harmful towards her. She woke in such a peaceful bliss until hearing all the commotion outside.  What choice does she have she's been disowned by the family.   maybe just maybe.She takes a breath and asked" m Mr. Alastor d do you think y you can really help me be more con confident in m myself". Oh such a delicate voice even to here that little bell such heavenly bliss. " Oh of course my precious lamb  do be a good girl and return to bed while I get Mr. Chester here a taxi." Y yes sir" with lavender gone back upstairs Alastor turns his attentions back to Chester. " I'll give you a running start go " Alastor gave a dark response. Chester stumbles away with whatever speed he's got as Alastor simply cleans his monical. Chester starts to hear alastors voice around him mocking him ever stumble he takes. Until he finds his car gets in and locks it shaking like there's no tommorow he unbuttoned  his shirt. I expected more blood but really it was barely bleeding just a small flesh wound. Damm that Alastor punching his steering wheel. Taking a calming breath he turns on the radio while taking a smoke then the radio " we interupt your regular schedule program for this special bulletine. Chesters side show of wonders has been shut down due to many violations of health codes and well being of the performers,police are looking for the owner on charges of kidnapping Lavender the lamb girl he is assumed to be armed and dangerous."oh and Chester if  you don't turn yourself In I  will hunt you down like the wild boar you really are". Chester's blood went cold Alastor was everywhere he unleashed the demon upon him.

Back at Alastor house

Inside his hidden radio booth Alastor smiles to hear that Chester turns himself in.from the police squad cars that he tapped into lucky he didn't have to do the work. Truth be told he didn't want his hands to get filthy with blood like his usual victims. No this time it's different oh lavender he would never let her see hear or smell death. He did a good stretch clicking everything off he retires to his room. Seeing lavender sitting on the edge of  the bed hugging her legs he comes over to join her. "D did you "no darling he's off to jail where he belongs". For a moment they stay quiet then lavender speaks up.                " what's going to happen to me m Mr. Alastor was what you told mr. Chester A lie"? She asks fearful. To her sudden surprise she feels his hand take in her small ones. Rubbing her knuckles his other hand cups her cheek . " A gentleman never lies to a young lady lavender I promise you things are going to be better". Lavender felt a kind of warm glow in his words she was about to speak a sudden thunder cloud boomed . " No No no no go away  " she cried shaking her head . Alastor stayed calm coming in front of her covering her ears. Her eyes filled to brink of tears "in here my precious lamb shh " why did they have to die it was my fault Mr. Alastor I'm really a black sheep! ". Lavender couldn't hold back and fell into alastors chest. He dared not let go of the sobbing girl. " You are they're  beautiful gift to this crazy world you will live for them lavender they are always with you and never forget they loved you like I do " Alastor finishes with butterfly kisses on her cheeks. He finally gets the chance to pet her hair " and little lamb your fleece is so soft like cotton candy. " he hears a tiny giggle when he nuzzles her hair. He looks down to the precious lamb " will I be pretty like my  mommy was" He smiled widen . " Of course why  your already beautiful darling I can imagine when you grow up you'll be as pretty like your mother and Even like  Judy Garland  " can you sing some where over the rainbow for  me Mr. Alastor please ?" Asked a soft spoken lavender. It was a request he couldn't ignore so he does. His tone is in a lulaby tucking her in the bed while he sings. She lightly giggles of him as he boops her nose he can't help but to  sway to the rythm  singing into his hair brush . Hers eyes slowly droops yawing snuggles in the bed Alastor finishes the song in time as she falls asleep. " Pleasant dreams my precious lamb". Alastor kisses her head and drifts off the sleep laying next to her covering her ears from any remainder of the storm would bring. 

                   THE END 

The Radio Host and The Lamb A Hazbin Hotel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now