chapter 3

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Mhmm , Well as you requested ; NATES POINT OF VIEWW :D

we will see what Nate was thinking (:


Nates's pov


i sat in bed replaying what had happened yesterday in my head , over and over again . it was frustrating me . In fact , i was very confused . Usually when i use the line "i like you" , girls will do what ever i tell them , but in this case , it didnt affect her in anyway. I mean , i didnt completely tell Nicole the truth , i DIDNT like her , but i DID tell her the truth ; when i told her she would like Blade as soon as she saw him .As i though of other ways to get Nicole to stay away from Blade , Jayden walked in .

"aye , someone is here to see you . " he said , rolling his eyes . i sat in bed waiting for my vistor to step in my room , (well technacly Jayden's room i was in his house , but i still had a room here , cause i was always over . ) As soon as he stepped away from the door , Jenny walks in , i sigh . She sits on the bed next to me and turns to Jayden as if waiting from him to leave .

"Hey man , i'm going to ... well im going out . " he informed me and closed the door . i turned to Jenny , it was silent in the room . Very awkard .

"Jenn what do you want?" i asked , sitting by her . She looked evil and sad at the same time .

" Josh and i JUST had a fight and we broke up . " she said , looking blankly at me .

"AND....?" I asked , i was already bored of this conversation . She looked at my like i was missing something . She arched her eyebrow and i mimicked her . i was now more confused than before .

"Anddd , i want make him jealous , so lets make out, so i can tell him i cheated , that way he will get jealous and want me back " she explained to me like i was 5 years old .

"i dont think so . " i told her ,getting up , her had shot up and grabbed my arm .

"you owe me . " she told me looking dead at me . i sat back down on the bed and she smiled .

"FINE , but after this we are even . " i told her . She had been blackmailing me for over a month , and i had to do what ever she wanted , and i cant say i enjoyed it , this bitch was taking black mail over the top .

"We'll see . " she said , sitting on my lap and crashing her lips to mine. She began to moan in my mouth and i just rolled my eyes , she was LOUD . My mind began to wonder off , and it always led back to Nicole . Everytime i thought of her , i shook my head and put more effort into the kiss to distract myslef .

---------------10 minutes later----------------

By the time we finished , both Jenny and i were topless . i didnt like the makeout session , but i had to distract myself some way . As i put my shirt back on , Jenny was waiting at the door , i guess she expected me to walk her to the door . Man , this girl wanted lots of special treatment . We made our way down the stairs , halfway at the bottom , i spotted two people making out in the couch . My stomach dropped as i realized it was Nicole and Josh . Jenny let out an earsplitting scream . i winced , and the makeout session on the couch came to a stop . Nicole turned our way still on his lap , i wanted to walk up to them and yank them apart , but i stood my ground . Jenny stared at them in horror , i bet my expression matched hers . Josh whispered something in Nicole's ear , and i wanted to go punch him , then she whispered something back . oh how i wanted to know what they were being so secret-ive about . i hadnt noticed Josh and Jenny had left . Silence filled the room , i stood there for quite sometime , deciding weather or not to go sit on the couch next to Nicole . I collected my thoughts and went to sit next to her , everything was so akward .

" Do you always make out wirth....." i started , but she cut me off .

"Mind Your Own Buisness." she said

"No im just asking , so you always make out with strangers?"

"Shut up!"

"its a simple question."

"Do you always make out with your friends girlfriends?"

"Mine YOUR own business ."

"no its a simple question" she mimicked me .

"for your information , yes . " i lied , trying to end the conversation

"Ok." she said .

"Well anwser mine . " i told her .

"Mind your own buisness she repeated ." i was getting seriously annoyed

"Just answer my damn question" i told her .

"Jealous?" she asked getting up , mirrored her and got up as well .

i think i WAS jealous that Josh got to kiss her first , WAIT ! what am i saying ?? Shit , who am i kidding ,i liked her ....

"Yess , " i said grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to me .

Bad girl falling for the playerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu