headcanon / valkyrie's backstory

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lots of blood , very graphic

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lots of blood , very graphic

i remember what she said the night before - she didn't seem at all unnerved compared to me

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i remember what she said the night before - she didn't seem at all unnerved compared to me . i was a shaky mess . i wanted to turn around and run . i was crying , curled up in her arms , clutching onto her for dear life . she just simply comforted me , stroking my hair , humming softly .

i wanted to turn and run .

but i was a valkyrie now . i couldn't.

i remember , she tried to bring comedy in , she tried to tease me . like she always did . she knew i hated teasing . she said " are you scared ? "

i replied with " no , i'm not scared at all ! "

and she gave me a look - she knew i was lying immediately . i just laughed a little and ruffled her perfect hair , messing it up . to be fair , it was never ever messy . when i looked at it again , it has seemingly gone back to normal .

the flight there was calming . fun , if anything . thrundrul gave me whines in protest - hated the long journey . well , she just had to put up with it , i guess . i was flying alongside her , obviously , leaning down , pulling a smug face , feeling the breeze against my face . exhilarating . she just rolled her eyes , flying up ahead , me on pursuit .

hazes of gold , yellow , orange , white all glittered and faded and rolled past us gently and softly , a slight breeze whistling in the distance , the low chatter of fellow fighters could be heard from behind us .

we were almost there - and we stopped over to gear up properly . she fitted my sword onto my belt , wiped off my " childish " warpaint and smoothed down my ( very crinkled ) cape .

" why'd you have to get rid of it ? "

" it's uniform , darling . you have to "

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