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Time Skip

Over the past three years, the seven of them have traveled through most of the elemental nations, mostly wandering around, lost. They've gotten closer, after all, they're the last of their clan, their family, and family always stick together. 

Until the incident, when Iwa shinobi ambushed them a year and a few months ago, killing off two of their members. Enraged, Arashi let out a bestial snarl, pushing off the ground and launching at the surprised chunin, driving the sword, which he instinctively pulled from his storage seal, into the man's chest, skewering his heart. After that, all was hazy, he couldn't remember anything as his rage-filled mind took over.

When he opened his eyes, he was in a forest clearing, a clear blue lake to his left, and swaying trees to his right. But what was in front of him made his breath catch in his throat, fear sinking into his very being. A giant hawk, standing only a few feet from the trembling boy, stared at him, its piercing orange gaze made him feel like the animal was analyzing his very soul. Around the beast's right leg was a thin golden chain that looked more for decoration than actual use.

"Argos," the hawk suddenly spoke up in a deep, rumbling voice.

Arashi stumbled back and managed a surprised squawk.

The hawk, Argos, his mind reminded him, rolled his eyes, looking unimpressed, "That's my name brat, use it."

"W-What are y-you?" the redhead whimpered in fear.

The hawk hummed to himself, "I am, I guess you could say, your lifelong companion."

And that, was how he met Argos, leader of the hawk summons of the Uzumaki clan. Later, he was taught summoning and met Wren, his personal summons. 

The last group of Uzumaki left in this world, Arashi, the leader, with dark violet eyes speckled with spots of molten gold swimming in its depths, and messy red hair that gleamed in the sun, signifying his heritage. 

Kiyoshi, ever since the incident where he lost his best friend, has been more stoic, closed-off, and more protective of his little sister Kana, who always does her best to try to make him have fun, usually to no avail. She has straight, fiery red hair, with eyes that shine like liquid silver and a playful personality.

Tatsuo, who has a darker, crimson shade of red coloring his hair and light hazel brown eyes. He comes off as rude, but is mostly just blunt and can be sarcastic, firing off comments whenever it suits him.

And lastly, Reiji, the bright sunshine of the group. He has spiked red hair and green eyes that sparkle with cunning mischief, and he can pull his lips into a wide, taunting grin at his enemies, while turning a warm smile to his family.

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