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I sat down in my seat in my first period class.  I glanced around the room and saw her. That’s not a good thing. I’ve been trying to avoid bumping into her for sixteen years. If the fates knew I was within reach of her right now, they would throw a ball. Not any type of ball though, it would be a celebration for what I should be doing right now. What shall I be doing right now? I’m not saying. That will be explained at a later date.

I sighed and hoped that she didn’t introduce herself to me. She seems friendly, or so the fates say. I should really walk out of this school and never look back. But for some reason, I was drawn to her. I couldn’t force my eyes to look away from her. She was enchanting. Her blonde bangs pulled back out of her face. Her hair in a wonderful ponytail.

I sighed once again and turned away. Now was no time to get a crush. Now was no time to be admiring her looks.

I was facing down at my paper that I was doodling on when I heard someone clear her throat above me.

“Hey.” She said cheerily. “My name is Joey.”

“Hi.” I muttered softly. “I’m Alex.”

“Are you new here?” She continued to talk to me as she sat down in the seat in front of me and twisted to face me. “I’ve never seen you before.”

“Yes.” I said refusing to look at her. Maybe the less I say, the less she’ll want to be my friend.

“You don’t say much, do you?” She asked sighing.


“Oh. Well that’s going to change soon.” She said laughing a little at the end. My head snapped up and I stared at her curiously. “What? You don’t think I’m going to let you be alone?”

“Well, I kind of hoped.” I said my voice laced with humor.

“Ah, you’re funny.” She said chuckling a bit.

“Class, turn around!” The teacher said.


“Who are you eating lunch with?” Joey asked as I was putting my books away in my locker.

“I’m not.” I admitted. “I’m going out to eat with my… dad.”

“Oh, okay.” Joey admitted looking sad. “What class do you have after lunch?”

“Chemistry.” I shrugged.

“Great! You have it with me.”



“Have you done the job yet?” He asked.


“Do you plan on it?”

“I’m working on it. Give me time. I just found her today.” I said.

“You have a year to do the job and get it over with. We’ll be in touch until then. Have a good day, Alex.”

“Wait!” I called out. They turned around and looked at me. “How do I do it?”

“Easy.” They said. “Just kill her.”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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