The beginning

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Hello, I'm Atlis Hazel.I'm a pretty messed-up life and I thought "what if I write a story on it?" well, that's exactly what I'm doing. This all started last summer, it was the Fourth of July celebration that my family hosted every year. My parents let me bring my friends because I  Don't really talk to people that much. Let me bring some of my friends that I only know through my parents. Their names are Griffin, Lena, and Blair. Griffin and Lena are twins. We sat on the ground looking at the fireworks as if the whole world meant nothing, the Sparks flew off the edges in a beautifully synchronized way. I like this type of peace. when there wasn't anything to worry about. Sometimes I play moments in my head when I felt that. Those moments make the shittiest times much more bearable. We watch the show. I lived in the country so my closest neighbor was at least a mile away. I was reading my favorite book; Anne of Green Gables. Engulfing myself in the pages, when I turn the page the paper crackled. Just as I had made it to chapter 7, it happened.

There was a serial killer killing families but I never thought it would happen to us, but it did. I could hear the faint sirens in the distance. The police came rushing down the road and stopped at my driveway, suddenly a rush of panic flew through my head like a rogue airplane, why were they at my house? I got up from the ground brushing the grass off my jeans while I walk to the police car, my friends trailing behind me. The policeman got out of his car and walked up to Griffin and Lena. As he approached them I'll look of worry spread across the twins' faces. the policeman took off his cap as if to respect them. " I'm sorry to tell you this but your parents and Grandparents were found murdered."

I was never the best at reading people's emotions so I wouldn't know if they needed some time to grieve. the police said, " you're going to live with your aunt and cousins now." " What exactly happened to our parents,"  Lena asked the police officer, rubbing her eyes which one are red and puffy from crying. The two cops looked at each other and then looked at the twins. " Well it was probably someone they knew, there were no signs of forced entry at all and they were struck over the head with a large object that could have been a lamp, bat, or a paperweight. Causing blood force trauma and killing them."  The cops said.

Jeez, Lena and Griffin were only thirteen... I felt like that was a bit graphic for them. " And did the same thing happened to our grandparents?"  Griffin asked with Tiny's nipples in between words. the police were silent they just nodded, Griffin and ran off crying and so did Lena. It took a while but we went on with our lives. after a sad funeral of cries, sobs, and sympathy Griffin and Lena went to live with their aunt and cousins but before they left for their aunts we were told that the murder case wasn't going to be released to the public. only the kids were told this information.there are aunt seem to have sudden anxiety at any time they talked about the murder because this was still an open case. Whatever we brought it up she would look away and shut everyone out for a few hours. Everyone thought this was normal, cuz she was just as distraught lady that was dealing with the loss of her sister, father, and mother, but other times the kids heard her cussing them and their parents.

The next week was the first week of school and I was worried for Lena and Griffin because I didn't want them to break down in the middle of class. I felt like their Guardian. Their aunt wasn't really around a lot, so I give them a call or order them some food. After the first day of school, they drove to my house. They were at my house when the police showed up again to talk to the twins, I told them to go wait in my room, they went upstairs and I went to go talk to the cops. " again we're sorry to inform you that their aunt has been murdered we think it was the same person who murdered their parents and grandparents." the police informed me with a sad tone of voice. " What happened to her?" I asked tearing up because I knew that Lena and Griffin we're going to take this as a punch to the stomach.

the police answer the most terrifying answer "their aunt was murdered with lacerations to the neck and the thing most likely uses a ribbon of her dress. The only reason we know this is because the ribbon was missing as well as the indent on her neck we're sorry for the loss." "where will they go now?" I asked the police " we think this killer is targeting their family, so we're going to tell the public they're staying with their grandma. Their cousins are going into foster care but their ' grandma'  will be one of my colleagues who agreed to act as a guardian. And they're really going to be staying with the family."I trudged up to my room and told them the bad news. They looked sad, but not as sad as when their parents died. I was only thirteen at the time but I have grown close with Griffin and Lena I wasn't going to let this killer hurt my friends even if I die protecting them.

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