chapter 2

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Meanwhile, high above the clouds of Cloudsdale, a rainbow pegasus was currently walking down in a pathway of a park. She, with her boyfriend, is currently "jogging" by rainbow dash's terms.

"Hey, Soarin?"

"Yeah Dash?" The male next to her looked up at her, still panting from the exercise he'd done alone.

"I dreamt..." The rainbow pegasus said.


"We had a kid. It was soo real!" The male's eyes widen a bit as the thought of having children but he keeps his composure calm. Sure, they talk a lot about having kids. But with him always busy and her always with her work...he just didn't see the bright side of it.

"Dash..if you want children, you wouldn't have that" He pointed at her left hooves. On the left hooves lies a device. It looked like a watch, but closer examination shows the so-called "watch" has a metallic-like-structure around it, with the interface not showing the time but glowing with a blueish color.

"I am so glad you brought this up" she looked at her hooves and gave him a smile. "This is nothing" she scoffed slightly. "Just a place to store nano parts, you know?"

Soarin shakes his head, not convinced by what she said. "Dash, if you want to have a kid, you would throw that away" He comment dryly.

"I know! Just....some precaution. Yeah! A precaution! That's it!" She said, chuckling nervously at him.

He gave her a pout and decided to continue with his exercise before he felt a hoof stopping him. He looked back and raise an eyebrow. She sighed deeply. "Fine"


"I'll do it. I'll throw away this thing"

Smiling, he turned around and wrapped his hooves around her neck.
"You know what? How about no more surprises"

"Oh yeah?"

"Heck yeah! We'll go to a nice place, have dinner together"

He chuckles to himself, remembering the last time they had a "normal" dinner. He kissed her which she happily returns the kissed.

Out of nowhere, a portal suddenly being opened beside them. The couple, startled by the sudden appears of the portal begin to take a step back, Rainbow Dash quickly covering her boyfriend.

Once the portal is truly open, a man, well they think it was a man, walked out from the portal. He wore a blue dress that is covering his entire body, a red cloak behind him, and a strange necklace around his neck.

"Rainbow Dash, my name is Discord. I need you to come with me" He said with a stern voice. He paused whatever words were coming from his mouth when he saw the two figures in front of him was glaring at him with cautions. He then notices the people around them. They were giving him strange look and muttering among themselves.

He looked back at the couple as if there was new information just went through his head. "Congratulations on the wedding by the way," He said with simple shrugged.

"I'm sorry, you're giving out tickets or something?!" She snapped at him

"Dash...calm down," Her boyfriend next to her said harshly.

'For a mare of steel, she does pack a temper. That makes sense, I guess' the chimera thought. Shaking his head, he said, "no, we need your help. It's not overselling it to say that the universe is at stake"

"And who's we?" Soarin asked, raising an eyebrow.

As if on cue, a yellow pegasus stood beside him.

"Fluttershy...?" Their eyes widen as they saw their long gone friend. She's been missing for long how? 3 to 4 years? Where has she been? What happened to her all those years? They have so many questions running in their minds.

She looked up at him and he nodded. She carefully approaches the two. "Hey Dash..." She quietly said before hugging both of them. The two of them looked at each other and hug their long gone friend.

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