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After endgame we are left why?


Why Tony?

When you end a kingdom you kill the king,

when a ship sinks so does the captian,

when you get a group you kill the lead.

Tony Stark was king of the MCU, and with the fall of the kingdom came the fall of the king.

Tony started with nothing, gained, then lost, then moved on, then gained, then lost, then grieved, then gained, then put it all on the line.

The death of Tony will ripple through the MCU like rain in a puddle.

We will see everyone struggle to grasp it, the concept that the unbreakable, broke.

When you kill a kingdom, you kill the king.

It's simple.

It started with him, it ended with him.

All we have on board left is our king,

and that king,

was Tony Stark.

May he always be remembered.

For he was our true king.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2019 ⏰

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