Ch. 16.3 Part A and B Honeymoon in Niagara Falls ... Or Not

Start from the beginning

"Where are the others?" Zilik peered behind her, clearly changing the subject.

"They didn't come this time."

Are they lost to me, all of them, on both worlds?

Her heart told her that they were.

Why did the Portal Guardian send me alone? Will she send me back home with Gabe's son? Gabe's home on Olam or back on Earth? Where's home now anyway?

Alex could feel a headache building as her heart fluttered in anxiety and Zilik drew her into a hug.

"I missed you," Zilik said quietly. He tried not to hope for too much, but was elated that she was alone. Her tone spoke volumes.

"I missed this world," Alex said in defeat.

No, no, no. I want my Gabe. I want to go back.

Alex mournfully accepted his hug and both turned at the sound of a gasp. Alex blinked at the sight of a female Chameleon standing in the doorway of the bedroom.

"It's her," she whispered in disbelief.

"Uh, Nikka, this is Alex."

"I already know quite a bit about her. I'll leave now. There's no point in competing with a living legend."

"Here I go again: spreading joy and wrecking homes." Alex released Zilik and backed against the wall, wary gaze on the female Chameleon.

"But Nikka..." Zilik's voice trailed off.

"It isn't like that," Alex added, unaware that Zilik was very much hoping it was 'going to be like that.'

"It doesn't matter. Things are about to become very complicated around here. Call for me when everything's settled. Assuming you will still want me and I'm still available. I wait for no male." She walked into the bedroom and reappeared shortly with a small case.

"Nikka, I'm sorry."

"Don't, Zilik. See you." She swept out the door.

"I'm the one who's sorry, Zilik." Alex put her hand on his shoulder.

So very, very sorry. Will I ever see my Gabe again? Maybe I can die rescuing Gabe's son and be done with it all.

"It's okay. It wouldn't have lasted. Two Chameleons form a lasting bond when they want children and we weren't at that point."

Alex nodded. "How's Razz?"

"Fine. He's hung onto his council seat and no one's assassinated him yet."

Alex frowned at him, forehead creasing in worry.

"Sorry, poor choice of words. I should tell you that Cla's still alive."

"What!? Gabe ran her through with a sword. How do you survive that?"

"He missed the heart."

"She probably didn't have one," Alex said.

I'm sure of it.

"The medics treated the collapsed lung and she survived. She was in InterSpec prison for awhile until her government had her extradited home."

"That settles it. I'm here to kill Cla, too."

"Are you sure?" Zilik braced for an outburst. "Wouldn't the others have come along if that was the purpose?"

Alex looked about to object, but apparently thought better of it. Zilik would have preferred an outburst to the defeat that settled on her shoulders.

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