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Name: Akali Noa KrimOther Name: Lux (artist/pen name)

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Name: Akali Noa Krim
Other Name: Lux (artist/pen name)

Age: 21
Occupation: Photographer and Artist


⚠️ Before you read further her bio does contain mentions of drug and alcohol abuse as well as child abuse/neglect. If you are uncomfortable with said things please skip⚠️

Growing up most definetly wasn't the easiest thing Akali ever did but she also doesn't remember it. She is the oldest of two twins, she's only 15 minutes older than her baby sister Krewella. Growing up Akali and krewella were inseparable both for good and bad reasons. The two twins had it rough growing up, their family was poor and theor mother and father were at eachkthers throat alot more than not which lead to a pretty harsh family environment for the girls. It came to a point where it was obvious, the parents only kept the two girls because they got money from the government. Akali being the big sister that she was always tried to protect Krewella from everything weather it punishments or simply something as little as giving her food since the family lived in poverty, even with the money they got from the government it went to keeping a roof over their head and their father would take the rest and use it selfishly to fee his addiction. Which is another harsh point. With their father being an addict to not only alcohol but other drugs as well, when he was angry he was angry and it was often directed towards the girls weather physically or verbally. There were many nights that Akali spent covering her little sisters ears while they cowered in a corner or when she would jump in the way of their fathers rage to keep krewella from getting hurt. It would be one of those incidents that would cause Akali's Retrograde amnesia. It happened In front of her grandmother one night who had come to take the girls away when her father in a drunken rage lashed out at the two being taken away, be blamed krewella for being weak and swung at her with an empty beer bottle to which Akali jumped in and pushed her sister away from her father and her father out of the way. He then pushed Akali and she fell down the stairs of their two story home. The truama to the head caused her to forget her past everything up to the moment of her accident which was even fragmented. The two girls were in highschool at the time but still minors but this definitely made things difficult for Akali. She could barely remember her sister or grandmother which was rough on them but after recovering she had intensive therapy to remember how to do even the most normal things for school besides basic functions. It was rough but by the time she turned 18, a whole three years after the accident she was better. By 19 she had moved out from her grandmas after graduation and focused on pursuing art and visual media as it was something that had always intrigued her. Getting to her adult life things were about as normal as they could be all things considered though she did have these thoughts with reoccurring nightmares and fragmented memories that were incredibly painful, she could never fully remember but it seems that part of her still remembered the pain of the past. When she was about 20 she met her first love something she thought would last forever. He was a small time artist but he had recently auditioned and become a trainee. Things were fine even the company said they they would be okay since their relationship was pre-estsblished and they were incredibly lucky that the company was so considerate. They just had to keep their public meeting safe and discreet which Akali thought would be perfect and easy since she didn't like crowds any way. About a year into their relationship Akali got pregnant and would soon give birth to twin baby girls, a gene that would be carried in their family forever since she was apart of a pair of twins. Things with her then boyfriend were great, he had just debut and things were going well...untill they weren't and disaster stuck. The twin girls Hatsuko and Emiko were about 2-4 months old when this happened, Akali and her boyfriend told the company about their children and that's when their tune changed. They threatened her boyfriends career if they didn't break it off and when push came to shove, the girls father chose his career over his new family. At first Akali could understand, she had known hi for a while and his dream was to perform and travel. Then some time went by and she had gotten over the heart ache the girls were about 5 or 6 months and she was just so upset as she could finally see how foolish she had been for ever thinking that a musician could liver her more when that was their passion. This realization only came about when the baby daddy finally started calling back asking to see their girls after months of not even bothering to ask for pictures. She still felt hurt and betrayed and even now refuses to let him see the girls when he wouldn't fight for them when his career was threatened. Besides that she lives her life quietly and at peace with her two baby girls as an artist and a photographer. Her sister Krewella often baby sits for her when she needs but other wise most of her life is spent being the best mother she can fkr her two twins that mean the entire world to her.

INFJ-A (Advocate)

"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being" -JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE

While it's obvious that Akali is an introvert she has her own little special moments. As a member of the advocate personality type she has many strengths such as, being creative and insightful but she has her principles and is very passionate about what she does and how she cares for those around her. However she does have her major struggles besides mom burn out. She is fairly susceptible to burn out in general, she tends to be a perfections which doesn't leave her with a lot of options to vent when needed or ways to let off steam. That's nother thing, she is a perfectionist, especially with her art everything that she is working on or sets up must be just so but that doesn't mean she is controlling, she is very willing to listen to other ideas. She doesn't take criticism in the best way, especially if it's about her current parenting or who she used to love. And you can forget about her spilling her story or what's the matter at any given point she really doesn't like to open up to just anyone.

Thoughts or words that come to mind for Akali are:
Sweet but broken

Romantic interest:
Akali knows she broken but she doesn't let it stop her. It also tends to pull her towards those that don't fit in either. For her she doesn't want someone "normal" someone who looks rough around the edges and someone that has their own inner turmoil too but can support her where she needs and she could do the same for them. And of course your a winner if you have a soft spot for babies and kids or if you've always wanted kids just never found the right person that could do that for you. For Akali it's the simple things but she knows what she wants and she won't settle for less.

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