We Need To Be Together

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He knew that she didn't get any sleep last night after his little moment, she must have been up all night as well since she likes to keep an eye on him when this stuff happens.

Alexa: Why are you sorry?

Tommy: It's my fault, the nightmares?

Alexa: No no, it's not that.

Tommy: Babe, I know you stay awake to make sure I fall asleep and then that's why I say sorry.

She then knew what he really felt, but it was true. She does stay awake to make sure that he was ok, but Lexi knew that it wasn't a bad thing.

Alexa: Tom, it's true that I do stay awake to make sure you're okay.

Tommy: See.

Alexa: But it's not a bad thing.

Tommy: ...

Alexa: Baby, I knew what I was getting into and I'm okay with it all, even if my lifestyle changes for the good.

With her saying that, it lifted Tommy's spirit up as she knew that this was alright with her, that she was on board with his messed up life.

Tommy: You always know what to say to make me smile.

Lexi smiled back at him as they shared a tiny kiss, they enjoyed a cup of coffee together and he watched her leave him at the table to take a shower.

She shut the door and turned on some music as Tommy cleaned their cups.

He had some time to kill while she was taking a shower, so he got onto his Twitter account and asked everyone for a question and answer poll.

But it didn't go well since it was just mostly questions about his and Lexi's wedding planning.

Which reminded him that they haven't suggested anything to the wedding planner in a couple weeks, but since it's a company through the WWE they all know how busy they both are.

Tommy got up and was going to ask Lexi while she took a shower about planning it out more, but as he cracked the door open he could hear her sing to the song.

He loved her voice as he always tells her that she could become a professional if she ever wants to stop wrestling.

So while the door was cracked open a little, he made sure you couldn't see Lexi taking a shower and recorded her singing.

Alexa: I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in

I'll never meet the ground

Crash through the surface, where they can't hurt us

We're far from the shallow now.

He stopped the video as he listened to her a little bit more until she shut off the water, so he walked away to the couch and posted the video to his Twitter.


"I could listen to you all day @alexa_bliss_wwe"

He could hear the speaker notify her phone and she must have checked it while she was getting ready because a couple minutes later he got a response.


"@tmajorswwe 🖤"

That made him crack a smile as he patiently waited for her to come out so they could get ready to leave.

Lexi was going to the venue today to speak to management with Tommy about doing something with them splitting them up.

Both are hoping that it'll be for this week then he moves back to Tuesday's, or they let her drop the title and have her move over to the red brand with him.

Your Moment With Bliss (Alexa Bliss × OC) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz