We Forgive You...(Finale)

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Ok This is the last and final part of the final chapter, this chapter will involve the most action, but will also involve Gore, Depression, Violence, Cursing, Abuse, suicidal thoughts, all of these will be involved on this chapter so if your are sensitive to anyone of these than please beware. ANyways Enjoy!!! (P.s This is also going to be the longest chapter of the three parts just thought I would let you know and I will let you guys know how many words this entire thing is all together.)

Slasher's POV (I am making my OC's POV first for a reason)

"Ugh where am I?" I said opening my eyes to find myself in a nicely lit room. It was filled with balloons and looked like a party room... in fact it looked like the party room me and Spring were in before we left out. I glanced over at the carousel and sure enough half of the horse was still lying on the ground. "You done looking around?" Ballora asked. "Yea" Ballora nodded in acknowledgement. "Good because now I get the pleasure of ripping your head off." Ballora said before leaping at me. "Wait what?!" I had no time to react before she landed on top of me. "G-Get off!" I yelled trying to push her off. "Now won't you make a delicious delicacy?" She whispered in my ear before opening her mouth. When she opened her mouth it would've made anyone go pale. She had what looked to be a thousand teeth in her mouth and a light down her throat. "OH MY GOD GET FRICK OFF ME YOU DEMON LADY!!!" I yelled before managing to push Ballora off me. She landed back on her feet and smiled at me. She opened her mouth again and I got a better looked at the thousands of teeth lying in her mouth. "OH MY GOD DON'T COME NEAR ME YOU DEMON!!!" I said pulling out my dagger that Spring gave me. "I don't want you or your millions of teeth near me you psychotic lady! O-Or else..." "Or else what?" Ballora said before her tongue came out. Her tongue was so long and was no normal tongue by the time it reached out about a foot the tongue opened its mouth to reveal more teeth. "Come here and give me a kiss..." Ballora said jokingly. "Ah yea... you see crazy demon ladies with thousands of teeth and a tongue with hundreds of miniature teeth aren't exactly my type..." I managed to say without yelling. I tried to look for a way to escape but immediately changed my mind when I saw 2 bloodhounds guarding the door. "Escape is futile." The tongue said before slithering itself over to me. Without thinking I drew my dagger and sliced the tongue. Blood spewed out as the tongue fell to the ground motionless. Ballora screeched like a chimpanzee. "You know you would make a great Medusa you know that?" I said making Ballora glare at me. "Are you kidding me she's hideous?!" Ballora yelled before closing her mouth. "And you not?" I said questioning Ballora's logic. By this time I was kinda used to the teeth but still did not want to get anywhere near them. "WHY YOU LITTLE FOX I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Ballora screamed before leaping at me again pushing me to the ground. She bared her teeth at me which made me regret my statement of being used to her teeth. She guided her mouth onto my arm and bit down hard. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled in pain. "GET OFF!!!" I yelled before punching her square in the stomach which sent her sprawling back. I got up and covered my arm. I watched as blood seeped from my arm and trickled onto the ground making a little pool of blood, It didn't feel major or like the teeth dug too deep but I couldn't tell. Suddenly an idea formed in my head on how to kill this demonic psychopath. I held up my dagger and waited. "Mmmm you taste good, I want another bite" Ballora said before opening her mouth again. This time instead of leaping she got on all fours and crawled up the side of the wall still baring her teeth until she lunged at me again. "Sorry but I'm not on the menu." I said before throwing the knife into Balloras mouth, cutting the inside of her throat in the process. I quickly dodged to the side and watched Ballora screech in pain. I could see red forming in her stomach meaning it cut the inside of her body as well. Ballora fell to the ground and rolled around screeching until it slowly died down seconds later, she was dead. I stared at the lifeless body before me and looked at he thousands of teeth still in her mouth. I blood drooling out of her mouth and onto the ground. I looked at Balloras lifeless stomach as it was completely red. "Man I must've really cut up on the inside good." My heart sank when I realized there are still 2 bloodhounds guarding the door. "What am I going to do about the bloodhounds?" I asked myself turning around only to see that there were no bloodhounds. "Are you kidding me?! They were illusions!" I yelled at myself for being so stupid. "How does Vincent do this anyways? This isn't even a thing in reality but it's a thing underground?! Either he is really smart or has a lot of time to himself." I muttered walking out of the door. "What am I going to do about this bite though." I said looking at the bite marks on my arm. I felt my heart sink again when the was so much blood seeping through my arm the blood was staining my fur from my arm to my legs, "Oh well this will be fun to get off" I mumbled, I looked behind me to see a trail of blood following me along with a pool of blood where I stood and one forming under me. I knew I was losing a lot of blood because I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. "Perhaps it would be best to sit down...just for a minute." I said letting myself fall to the floor. I sat there doing nothing, gripping my arm to help with the bleeding but like my hand was going to do much. "I...just need sleep." I said quietly to myself before letting myself fall asleep on the cold hard ground.

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