chapter forty-five

Start from the beginning

We got into his car and it smelt just like him. It made me smile. And it was so warm since I had to turn my car off while he was looking at it.


“Yeah,” I muttered. We just sat there for a few moments in silence. He had been wearing a toboggan but he took it off now. He had obviously gotten a haircut since I had last seen him at the school. It looked nice.

“Where to?” he asked but I really didn’t understand it.

“Huh?” He chuckled again and it made my heart melt.

“Where do you want me to take you, Addie?”

“Well, I was going to this party, but I don’t think I want to go now.” He cocked his eyebrow up at me. This made him look even sexier for some reason. But I seriously did not want to get back together with him.

“Okay…” he said sounding confused.

“Just drive,” I said and smiled. He nodded and then drove off.

“I have to stop for gas.” He said about ten minutes later. He pulled into a gas station and went to a pump.

“Want to come inside? I’ll get you a hot chocolate. I know how much you love those,” he was smiling and I couldn’t help but to smile, too.

“Well I can’t deny a free drink.” We got out of the car and walked in. We grabbed two hot chocolates and then he paid for the gas.

While walking back the car I started to slip on some ice right next to his car but then Morgan caught me and had me pinned to the car. I put both hot chocolates I had been carrying on top of the car and I leaned in closer to him. He didn’t move he just stayed a few inches away from my face. Was I really about to kiss him? No, that would be stupid. That would be leading him on; I didn’t want him back, right? But, gosh, he did look so sexy right now with pieces of snow in his hair and all up on me. Yup, I was going to do it. I had to do it.

I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him all the way to my lips. At first he wasn’t kissing me back but then he finally did which made me let out a moan. I was lost in his taste, in his smell, in him, until I heard someone whistling and I had forgotten we were in the parking lot. He pulled away and chuckled.

“I think I should pump that gas now,” he said moving away from me. I nodded and grabbed the hot chocolates and got into the car.

Oh, fuck. What the hell did I just make just happen? Did I want to be back with him? I don’t know. But I know I just couldn’t be. What was he thinking? Did he even want me to kiss him at first? Oh, God, what am I going to do? He got into the car and he smiled at me and I smiled back. But my stomach was all in knots and I didn’t know what to do. He leaned in and kissed me this time and I instantly kissed him back. I was lost in him again and I knew there was no going back. I wanted him now and that’s all I knew.

I pulled away and he looked hurt. “Drive. To. Your. Place. Right. Now.” I said emphasizing every word. He started up his car and turned to me and said, “Yes, Miss Johnson,” it made me giggle. Oh, it had been so long since I giggled.

Once we got into the elevator we started making out again. He pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. It felt so good to be this close to him again. I just wanted to act in the moment and I knew exactly what I wanted that moment: him. The elevator beeped and it meant we were at his place. He carried me all the way inside and onto his bed.

He lied me down on his bed and he got on top of me kissing my neck and my jaw line. I moaned and kicked off the boots I had been wearing and then I felt him kicking his shoes off, too. He leaned up and so did I so he could take my shirt off. He went back down to and started to kiss my chest and stomach. I pushed him away and took his shirt off. He unclasped my bra and ran his hands down my thighs. He unbuttoned my pants and helped me slide them off. I unbuttoned his and he started kissing from my neck all the way down to my thighs. He pulled my panties off and he gave me a looking asking if we should really do this, I nodded and he continued.

Three hours later I woke up and looked at the alarm clock that was on his nightstand. It was just after one thirty. I got up to grab a glass of water. When I got back to the room I noticed a box on his dresser. I walked over and opened it. It was the ring that he had proposed with that I hadn’t even looked at. I grabbed it out and out of curiosity slid it on. Hmm. Perfect fit. It was beautiful and I loved it. I felt myself wanting to cry. I took it off and put it back exactly as how it was. I looked over and saw Morgan sleeping peacefully. He was slightly snoring and I did not want to wake him up. I grabbed my clothes, got dressed and got in the elevator and waited in the lobby. I knew he was going to hate me for leaving but I still couldn’t be back with him.


“Chalice! Thank, God you answered! I need you to come pick me up now!”

“You’re lucky I’m already driving. Where are you?”

“Uh, is Darren with you?”

“Yes, why?”

“Tell him to give you directions to Morgan’s place.”


“Just come get me immediately.”

“Okay.” I hung up and waited for her. She called me fifteen minutes later to let me know she was outside of the building. I went outside and got in her car.

“Are y’all back together? Where is your car?”

I took a deep breath and told her everything.

“Uh, Adds, you could’ve left some of those vivid details out. The man is my damn teacher!” I rolled my eyes and slapped Darren’s arm. “Shut up. What is wrong with me? Why did I have to go and kiss him and then all that? You know if one of you would’ve answered your phone I would have never of called him!”

Darren turned around and shot me a mean look. “You’re going to blame this on us?”

“No, sorry, it’s just now I’m frustrated.” He nodded and Chalice shot me a sympathetic look through the center mirror.

“Does he know?”


“You have to tell him.”

“I know. I will, just not yet.” The rest of the car ride was quiet. They dropped me off at home and I went to bed. I was not looking forward to a call or text from Morgan in the morning asking me where I was.

When We Met (Student/Teacher Relationship)(COMPLETED SLOWLY EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now