Family | Peter Quill [sibling]

Start from the beginning

"What's happening?" you asked. 

"He is waking up," Drax explained. "Mantis could only keep him down for so long." 

Peter turned to Rocket. "How long until the bomb goes off?" 

"In the unlikely event that Groot doesn't kill us all, about six minutes."

The planet was starting to crack. You nearly toppled over as the entire ground shifted violently. Looking up, you saw a huge chunk of planet falling.

"Look out!" you screamed, shoving Gamora out of the way - but not far enough.

As it impacted the ground, the planet beneath you cracked and crumbled. You and Gamora slipped off of the ledge.

"Gamora!" Peter shouted as her hand slipped out of his. His wide eyes met yours as you fell a not even a second later, your hands outstretched for your older brother, your best friend.


As he watched you and Gamora fall, he choked on tears. "No," he said. He had failed to save both of the people he loved more than anything.

You screamed as you fell. Hitting your head on a rock, your eyes squeezed shut tight in pain. Gamora shouted your name, and your eyelids popped open-

And it was like slow motion.

Nebula was holding onto Gamora, gripping a column-

And you tried to grab Gamora's hand-

And missed.

There was nothing either of the girls could do but scream as you fell to your death.


"I am so sorry, Peter," Gamora whispered.

Peter's head was lowered over Yondu's body, which was decorated with his toys. He was weeping - he had lost his sister and his dad all in one day. And there was nothing to make a funeral for his sister.

Drax placed a hand on Peter's shoulder. He was no stranger to grief.

"She is at peace and rest with your father," Drax said. "Not your biological father, who caused all of this. But your blue one."

Peter let out a deep breath from between his teeth. "Thanks... man. Thanks."

"You're welcome." 

"I am Groot," Groot whispered softly, and Rocket touched the top of his head gently.

"Yeah, she did love you a lot," he said. 

"She loved all of us a lot," Gamora added. 

Groot started to cry. Tears poured out of Gamora's eyes. Rocket turned his head as a few tears slipped out of his eyes. He pawed at them. 

Peter stood there, waiting for the numbness to overtake him. 

Take my hand. Peter, take my hand. 


He may of been your father boy, but he wasn't your daddy. I'm sorry I didn't do none of it right. I'm lucky you was my boy.

Clenching his teeth harshly, Peter stomped away from the body of his father. With tears pouring out of his eyes, he quickly went to his bedroom.

"Peter," Gamora called after him, voice hoarse from crying. "Peter, please-" 

He let the door slide shut in her face. He collapsed on the ground, dragging his feet so his knees could come up to his face. 

"Peter, please don't shut me out. Please."

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