don't give him any ideas

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jeongguk flopped on his bed, hearing the rusty springs creak under his abrupt and unannounced weight.

"i just... i don't know what to do jimin! i can't just keep living off of dry cereal and capri suns!" jeongguk wailed. he was always the dramatic type, especially when he couldn't be lazy. another skill that he had possessed.

jimin was sitting on jeongguk's dirty floor, painting his toenails a bright teal color. he hissed, accidentally spilling some on the carpet. it wasn't as if it mattered though, there was a whole assortment of trash and dirt that scattered the floor.

"get a sugar daddy if you don't want to do work, lazy ass." he joked, giggling to himself at the thought of poor, heterosexual jeongguk going on dates with a wrinkly old man shitting out money left and right.

jeongguk's head popped up, peering over the edge at jimin who was humming to himself.

jimin's head snapped up at the sudden quiet coming from the boy. panic painted every crevice of his face as he realized his mistake: he gave jeongguk an idea.

you're never supposed to give jeon jeongguk an idea.

"that was a joke, jeongguk. don't be stupid." jimin laughed, trying to brush the idea off.

jeongguk huffed out a breath, rolling over and burying his limbs into the duvet.

"why noootttttt." he whined, apparently not seeing how getting a sugar daddy was definitely, not at all, no question in anyone's mind, a terrible idea.

"jeongguk" jimin raised his voice. if it weren't for his pretty teal toes that were still drying, he'd probably get up and strangle jeongguk right there.

"jimin..." he challenged, sitting up right and crossing his arms.

"you're straight. second off, you aren't really the, uhm... 'baby boy' type that most sugar daddies like."

jeongguk scoffed, but yes, jimin had a point. he wasn't that soft or gay, but if being close friends with someone who was (read: jimin) then he's sure that he could put those acting classes that he had in fourth grade to good use.

"but i want one jimin." jeongguk pouted, trying out his best 'baby boy' attempt. jimin swooned a bit, because yeah, jeongguk was cute as fuck, but he was also bold and reckless and straight.

"jeongguk, i don't think it's a good idea. you could get raped or something." jimin tried putting jeongguk to his senses, but the boy wouldn't budge.

"you used to have a sugar daddy. what was his name again? nam-"

fuck jimin's pretty teal toes, he shot up like a rocket and shoved his hand over jeongguk's mouth. jimin hadn't quite healed from his past sugar daddy of a few years ago. apparently, jimin wasn't enough to keep him from getting married.

"shut your pussy eater, jeongguk. we do not speak of he who should not be named..."

slowly, he pulled his hand away from jeongguk's face, his fingers doing some strange wiggle for dramatic affect.

"if you don't want me to talk about one, jimin, then let me get a sugar daddy."

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