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             I always walk home alone with no one but what makes me uncomfortable is that my house is right next to the woods. I hear things like snapping of twigs and stomping of feet. Then I look in the woods and see eyes of all different colors, shapes and sizes some crazier than Hannibal Lecter. Some as beautiful as a new flower in spring and some as young 6 and a clock for some reason. But the smiles were the worst they where big some looking like they wanted to eat me some like the wanted to kiss me but some like they wanted to kill me. I felt like constantly I was being watched  eyes always on me. I would run home but still hearing things. I would tell my parents.
"Hunny there is nothing in those woods." Mom would tell me .
"Your Mothers right." My Stepdad told me backing up my mom. I run upstairs to my room. I looked out the window into the woods. I quickly closed the curtains. My cat Apollo jumped up on the bed and meowed. "Where have you been I haven't seen you in days?" I asked the grey cat. He meowed again. "I wish I could understand you." I laid down on my bed and pulled the covers over me. Apollo laid near my face and purred. "Goodnight Pollo sleep tight we have a full day tomorrow." I said to the sleeping cat. I started to douse off. I really hope I don't have another nightmare.
       ******in dream world*******
I was being chased for the fifth time this week. I stopped running ready to face my demons.
"You won't win." I said to it. But it was another me but younger.
"I'm scared please help me." Younger me said. Than it hit me. I fell though a hole in the ground. Into my worst memory. My Aunt Carla asked me to cuddle with her. Younger me smiled and nodded. They go upstairs. They both fall asleep but only one wakes up. Vivid images of me screaming at her trying hard to wake her.  "Aunt Carla? Aunt Carla! AUNT CARLA!" I screamed at the top of my little lungs. I hear sirens and flashing lights. I was escorted to my Grandma's car. Then Aunt Carla is rolled out on a stretcher. Medics racing at her sides I screamed but no one heard me. Grandma walked out of the house with a grim look on her face. She opened the car door. Her voice silent. I was screaming and crying holding on to my Grandma. Begging someone to bring her back I want my Aunt Carla. Younger me tries to go to school the next day but broke down crying in the middle of class. The office sends her home for the day. All week she cries and cries but I can't do anything about it. I back away from my younger self and fall into a hole.
Landing in the bedroom of my Uncle Travis. My real dad watching TV in his bedroom and my uncle Larry away in the kitchen. My uncle Travis is 18 or 19 years old and invites his best friend over. And with my Dad and Uncle Larry being older their doing their own things. Then out of nowhere Uncle Travis's friend pulls out a gun and points it at his head. I yell at him to turn around but I was to late. My dad and other uncle heard a bang the run to where my Uncle is laying on the ground bleeding. My father is frantic he grabs baseball bat and starts swinging it missing the culprit jumping out the window and running off. My mom runs in but my dad hit her in the face breaking a tooth. My Nana running to the phone calling 911. A long Fuzzy moment and I was born a whole ten years later.
"Wow she looks like Travis." My dad starts crying holding me. A few months later my mom and dad get a divorce. I stubble over a cord in our house. And fall into a new hole this one leading to my first step dad. I called him Daddy Kinin. My mom and him have been engaged for a year now. But they never get married. Kinin was driving fast to get home and wasn't paying attention. His truck rolled over and lands on its side. Determined to see his lovely soon to be wife he somehow gets out and stumbles into the river but falls in and drowns. Never to be see or heard from until someone sees something strange in the river and calls the police. They barely identified him because of all the fish bites. Coving his face and body. My mom starts crying at the news then tells me. I start to cry to so my mom holds me close and we cry together. I tripped and fall into another hole except this one more recent. My Grandma is dropping me off at school and I ask her where grandpa is. She doesn't answer. I asked again. She starts to cry. We got a divorce she tells me. I started to cry a lot. I go and hug grandma and tell her it's okay. I start crying alone by myself in my room. Not wanting to live anymore. I cry and cry and cry.
*******in the morning*********
I wake up in a flash my eyes  big and red. I must have been crying. I look at the scars on my wrist.
Why did I try to do it?
My cat Apollo leaves my room. I grabbed a hoodie trying to cover the scars.

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