Start from the beginning

"Ok go on" I gave up, going back to my bed to sit down

"okay... like I said, he was HOT" she began, sitting down on the bed with me

"We've already established that" I said in an annoyed voice. She glared at me for interrupting her and I mouthed "sorry"

"He was HOT" I rolled my eyes, "And I'm talking super hot. Like he just stepped out of a magazine"

"Are you gonna describe him or keep telling me how hot he was?" I snapped, getting really annoyed for some reason

"Sor-ree didn't know you didn't like people complimenting your boyfriend" she said

"My...?! What?! NO!! he's not my.... NO Steph just... argh" I said, standing up

"You're not going out?" she asked

"HELL NO!" I yelled, shuddering

"oh... well I know you like him.... At least a bit" she said

"Steph, not if he was the last man on earth" I said slowly, trying to get her to get over it

"Sure you don't" she said sarcastically

"I DON'T!" I yelled

"well maybe you don't know it yet but... you do" she smiled, "your first crush... and he's actually hot. I was expecting some..."

"I don't like him!!" I yelled

"Just keep telling yourself that but someday you guys will be going out. I'm giving you a month to the most. You two would make such a cute couple" she squealed

"What the f***?!"

"No swearing" she gave me a warning look

"How do you know I like him?!" I asked

"So you do?" she asked

"NO!! I'm just saying why do you think so?"

"I don't think so... I know so?"

"whatever just tell me how?"

"Because I saw the way you were clinging onto him yesterday and the look on your face.... That was soo sweet I was gonna take a pic but I didn't want to be one of those embarrassing sister types but I really should have you guys are so..."


"Hey... everything okay?" Joe walked in

"Hey baby" Stephanie purred upon seeing him.

"Get her outta here please Joe" I said and he looked at me questioningly

"You guys okay?" he asked

"I will be when she leaves" I said stubbornly, getting up from my bed t walk to my bathroom

"She's just angry coz she has a crush on Tyler" Steph told him and giggled.

"I don't!!" I yelled and groaned

"Leave her alone Steph lets go eat something" Joe said with a chuckle

"Fine" Steph said

"THANK YOU" I said sarcastically

"I'm giving you one month. You guys will be going out by the end off the month" Steph said and I stuck my tongue out at her as she got out. Joe chuckled and followed her out. I mentally groaned and flopped down onto the bed. A look? What look? Now I had a LOOK for him?! Argh that's... that's stupid. I don't want drama in my life so a boyfriend is SO out of question. I comforted myself and got up to go shower.

After I was done preparing for school, getting dressed and what not, I made my way down the stairs to join Steph and Joe, who were busy flirting at the kitchen table.

"Argh get a room" I groaned teasingly as I took my seat. They turned around to face me, and Steph immediately got an excited glint in his eyes. I knew what was next, and I SO didnt want to go doen that road again.

"Umm... hey I'm late Joe can I have some money? I'll pay you back"

"Sure Lizz" he smiled, reaching for his pocket

"This isn't over" Steph smiled mischievously and winked. I stuck my tongue out at her and took the money Joe gave me.

"Thanks Joe you're the best" I said quickly, grabbing my bag and running out of the house before Steph could say anything else

Getting outside into the sunny warm air, I realized I didnt have a lift, and I hand brought my phone. Damn it. I'd have to catch the bus. Argh fml. I cussed over and over in my head as I walked on down the street, realising I was early. Too early. Knowing our bus driver, We'd have to wait for like, an hour before he came to pick us up. God decided I had suffered enough and I came across good ol' starbuck. Well, breakfast time for me! :D

I walked in the shop with a hugs grin on my face and for some reason, sucked in a long deep breath before proceeding to a vacant two seat table by the window. Perfect. I looked at the menu and decided to order something.... something greasy maybe. Hopefully, you have noticed by now that I am not 'girly' the word is just dsgusting. I eat everything, anything edible. Except for tomatoes and prunes and crab and... seafood. Argh I hate seafood. No, I LOATHE it. Anyways, back to reality. I stood up and went to put my order of a toast, sausage, egg and hot chocolate, which I later changed to a soda.

"Here's your number, we'll call you when your food is ready" the girl behind the counter said with a huge grin on her face. You didnt have to ask her to know she loved her job very much. Good for her. And i am not being sarcastic.

Taking my seat at the table I had sat on the first time, someone walked towards me and stopped right in front of them, and I heard a familiar voice.

"Is this seat taken?" Carlos asked, startling me

"umm... no" I said nervously and he smiled and took a seat in front of me.

"Remember me?" he asked

"Um, yeah... Carlos right?" I asked

"Yes" he grinned and my heart flipped for some reason.

"How are you?" I asked

"Could have been better" he shrugged, "What happened to you yesterday?" he asked

"Oh... umm... uh... I had to leave early. Sorry about that" I stammered, trying to think of what to say...

To be continued...


Okay guys I fulfilled my promise. If you didn't like it, just say so and I will edit it. Thank you all for being there for me, I appreciate it

Love you all (not in a gay way though lol)

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Peace out y'all


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