emma - her

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I gave u red eyes I'm sorry y'all 😢😂

A beautiful round face, long/short flowing hair and charming crimson eyes that sparkled like rubies. Y/n was my best friend, my very best friend, we were inseparable at least until that day.

I loved her, I loved her way more than anyone knew. She was the thing that kept me sane, she never once failed to cheer me up with that beautiful smile of hers. And I cherished her, I still do to this day..I still remember well, the image that I could never erase from my mind. The image of her and the long, sharp looking horns that shot out of her head. The image of her once petite and fragile hands, rid of calluses that had faded into black claws. The very same claws that once caressed me with care. When I saw the state of her I was confused. Why did she look like she was in pain? Who did this to her? Why did this happen to her of all people?

"She was experimented on by the demons." Norman said from behind me his voice was sad and I kept my gaze focused on her, for if I looked away I'd feel as if I was condemning her. "Does.. she know I'm here?" I asked with a shaky voice, "She's okay right Norman!?" I turned towards Norman my eyes desperate. she was tied to a bed, surrounded by flowers, teddy bears, scented candles and soft music playing in the background, it's clear she was accepted despite her state. I was glad about that. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I sniffed desperately wiping them away but for each drop I erased another came falling down. Norman placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's.. she's been like this for months now. I just barely managed to take her back with me." He said as I sobbed. Why? What did she do that bad?! If only I hadn't let go of her hand

If only I had held onto her hand at that time!

If I hadn't let her go back when we were escaping she wouldn't have been hurt! She wouldn't have been shipped off!

Clenching onto her hand I buried my head in the bed sheets and sobbed "Y/n..."

"I'll give you two some space." Norman said rubbing my back comfortingly and exiting the (colour) room she was in.

Forgive me y/n.

An unconscious Emma laid next to a bed as two crimson eyes opened.

The girl with long, unkempt (colour) hair sat up noticing the sleeping beauty next to her, she was shocked, she noticed this person. Who was she? She placed a hand on her racing heart and it came back to her. The long, sharp, black horns reduced to small round ones and she smiled reaching out and placing a white hand onto the girls face.

"Emma." She said smiling tenderly and the girl before her began to wake up, noticing a blurry figure in front of her.

"Good morning antenna girl." She heard a familiar warm voice say, using a familiar nickname.

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