chapter 1

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Mrs. Baird had learned of my odd habits from the day I stepped into her in. She noticed how I never wore matching socks, always mixing them up, and how I liked my tea cold with lost of sugar. I didn't drink my coffee unless the color of the drink resembled a light caramel, and I didn't drink that much whiskey. by the third day at her home, I would wake up in complete comfort. mrs Baird had supplied me extra blankets to fight the cold that seeped in from the window I had insisted remain open. she also understands that I had a preference of pants over dresses, especially if I was lounging in the house Mrs. Baird was the perfect host and the only thing that could possibly make her better was her cooking which was more delightful than I could ever imagine.

"are you up yet dearie? I have some breakfast ready if you are, Mrs. Baird called from outside my door as she lightly knocked on the wood. I sat up from my position on the bed, yawning slightly as I stretched out my arms and rolled my neck.

I'm up thank you, Mrs. Baird, I should be down in a few minutes if that is alright I responded as I pulled the blankets hat pooled around me tighter against my slight chilled legs the open window not only let in the cold autumn air but the sound of birds chirping and people chattering. that pleasant sounds compelled me to slip out of the warm bed only taking one thinner quilt to wrap around myself before I walked to the window.

don't worry dear just hurry on wouldn't want your breakfast to go cold, she called back before I heard her retreating footsteps as she walked back to the main floor of the inn. I glanced out the window not only with curiosity, watching a few people who had moved out their homes and onto the streets moved about, starting their day. the weather was rather pleasant, meaning there must be some sort of outdoor activity to squeeze into my day. if there was one thing I learned from the war, it was to take advantage of every beautiful day, because within a few hours that bright sky could go dark and you would lose any chance to venture and experience the pleasurable. as I snuck one last glance out the window, I made sure to scan the skies for any sign of rain, of which I found none.

perhaps today can be a picnic day, I said to myself as I skipped to my suitcase and pulled out one of my autumn dresses, a dress that was more like a sweater and a slip combined, I smiled at the fabric before tossing it into my unmade bed and searching for other things I would need to make myself presentable .

How are you this morning father, I asked as my foot entered the kitchen of the inn. as the two people in the kitchen looked up the notice me, I took my own turn noticing Mrs birds flushed face and the priests shaking hands.

oh well, good morning to you as well madame. thank you for speaking to me Mrs. Baird but I am afraid it is time for me to go back to church. I will see you again, the man promised before ducking out the back door of the inn, making a quick getaway. mrs Baird nodded along as he spoke and as he left her eye seemed to follow him, her own trembling hands clutching each other for some support.

"good morning aurora i made bacon and eggs with toast for breakfast, the eggs may be a wee bit cold but I doubt it and the bacon is just how you like it, cooked but not crisp. I also made your tea which called and I have some jam if you want any for your toast, the older, short and the more pudgy looking woman spoke so fast I could barely piece together her sentences. as she finished her little spell she smiled at me lightly and turned to scurry out of the kitchen and into the living/dining area. I chuckled a bit at the woman's obvious panic, finding it just a bit amusing in my own eyes. picked up one of the delicate looking plates that had been placed on the counter and began to scoop out some of the delicious looking food. mrs Baird had told me before that she usually would make the tenants breakfast for them and bring it to their rooms, but I had insisted on her allowing me to plate my own food. I grabbed a good portion of each dish as well as the cup of tea that felt cool on the outside of the cup before moving to sit at the smaller table near the door. as I downed my breakfast I thought of the options I had for my day, perhaps a picnic would do me good, some walking around as well. just as I began to contemplate where to go Mrs. Baird entered the room again.

breakfast is good I reckon. have you gotten any more plans for the day it's rather nice out and it would be a shame to waste such good weather, she said as she grabbed my dish from in front of me and walked over to the sink. I frowned slightly at the woman I had told her that I could do my own dishes before, but she keeps stealing them away before I could.

yes, actually I was thinking that it would be rather nice to take a picnic. do you know any good places you would recommend for such a trip? I asked as I leaned back in my chair and sipped on my tea. mrs Baird seemed to go through a few options in her head before speaking again, making several faces in the window as though she was having a private conversation with herself.

you could try the standing stones. I doubt anyone will be out there at this time, especially before Halloween as you call it . some villagers still believe in completing the ritual by the stones so you should be alright as long as you leave by nightfall, she responded, wiping off her hands on an old looking dishtowel. I nodded my head, thinking back to some of the old books I had once read on European folktales. if such a thing was what they had decided to do, I was sure I would not be hanging out to watch and get caught up in the old folks' rituals.

that sounds quite nice actually. do you have any supplied that I could take with me? just a basket soi could go into town and grab a few snakes and such, I asked, standing up as I brushed off my skirt. mrs Baird nodded and began mumbling to herself for a moment before she disappeared into the corridor, emerging a few moments later with a wicker basket that certainly seemed fit for a picnic. I nodded in thanks as I grabbed the two handles, fixing the basket so it rested softly on thre crook of my arms. well i guess i should head off and grab a few things . with this weather I have no doubt everyone will be out and about so I should go ahead before the crowd begins to thicken, I commented as Mrs. Baird took her place in front of the kitchen counter again, pulling out some things for her own breakfast I suppose.

be careful dearie, wouldn't want any foul play to go on by those stones, that would be rather unfortunate for us all, Mrs. Baird reminded, seeming to huff the last part under her breath as though it was something private. I frowned slightly at her odd tone, wondering what she actually meant by the end of her statement I sighed lightly before heading towards the door.

I hope you have a lovely day Mrs. Baird. I'll see you when I get back later, thank you for the basket, I called as I walked through the doorway. I heard her respond with a loud goodbye as I made my way through the living room and out of the inn. as I look up at the sunny sky I took a deep breath, letting the scent around me fill my noise and letting the cool air chill my lungs. god it sure was a great day for a picnic

Chasing waterfallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora