The Concert Part 2

Start from the beginning

Tonight, Anne vowed to be kinder to Gilbert, as they had become friends. She would not do what she had done for the six years' prior; ignore him. They were friends now, so she had to treat him like a friend. 

'All I have to do is act like a friend towards him,' thought Anne. 'How difficult could that be?'

So when Gilbert would eventually come up to her, she would treat him like she was expecting him to be here in the first place, and would enjoy the concert as planned. Even if Gilbert was with her.

Gilbert meanwhile was comprehending what to say to her. Unlike Anne, he understood these visions, and it could possibly mean that he loved her enough to even have a vision of them together when they are older.

He was freaked out. He had already determined that she was the love of his life however, he could not say the same conclusion cast upon Anne just yet. He had to stick to the plan. To not scare her away.

'All I have to do is act like a friend towards her,' thought Gilbert. 'How hard could that be?'

Little did they both know none of their plans were going to work that night. It may become something more than they expected...


The three other young ladies clambered out of the buggy a few moments later after Anne. Gilbert saw this, but he was still having a war in his head whether or not to approach the girls yet. Diana's threat came back to him, but he decided to put at the back of his mind. He would regret that decision later though.

With a big gulp, he approached the four, overexcited friends.

"Good evening ladies," he said with his playful grin at his lips, his eyes only on Anne. 

He didn't realise before how pretty she looked in the green dress of hers. It suited her hair and eyes, those serious grey eyes he could get lost into for hours. And that hair, he imagined playing with it. How beautiful she looked with the moonlight kissing her delicate, pearly white skin. He snapped out of his trance, remembering what his plan was. She only sees you as a friend Gilbert! he thought. That managed to do wonders as he managed to pull away from his gaze at Anne. 

"Why hello there Gilbert! I didn't expect to see you here!" Anne replied. She noticed he was averting his gaze between her and the other girls, holding his gaze a little longer towards her. She blushed lightly at this.

"Well I managed to pull a few strings, so that I get a seat. I heard it's supposed to be an interesting program tonight I hear." Gilbert only thought in his mind though that the only point of interest for him was Anne. But he kept that to himself. 

"Yes indeed! I heard there is someone from Nova Scotia reciting 'I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud' by William Wordsworth! Oh I can't wait for that!" Anne replied rather excitedly.

The duo went ahead and started chatting away while the other three young ladies were trailing them, giving each other knowing looks and and giggling softly.

They all reached just in time to take their seats. Like the other three planned in advanced, they took their seats as far away from Anne and Gilbert as possible (since they were still conversing), yet near enough to see what is going on.

Meanwhile, the two friends were oblivious to the girls' absence, and they continued to chat away about famous poets, each engaging passionately into the conversation. When the concert was about to start, Anne only then noticed the girls' absence. She did not want to be of disturbance to the show, so she accepted that she would have to sit next to Gilbert. He was delighted at this: he would get to spend more time with Anne.

Much like her first concert here, Anne found everything more thrilling than the next. She loved everything, and nothing failed to interest her this time (unlike the last). They had some overseas people, as well as local people. There were a few familiar faces, such as Pearl Clay, who was to sing a solo. Milton Clark who was to play violin and last but not least, Mrs Evans, the professional elocutionist, who Anne had the honour of meeting after she recited at the White Sands Hotel.

Anne had a wonderful time that night, all the recitations and musical items were beyond thrilling for her. She also had a gay time with Gilbert, with him remarking everyone's performance. She certainly had a good laugh with him by her side.

The concert finally finished: it was eleven o'clock in the evening. The moon had snuggly resided to the pitch-back sky by now, and everything was in perspective with the light of the moon shining at its brightest. 

Anne and Gilbert conversed a little more, mostly remarks about the concert.

"Gilbert it was the most thrilling night I have ever had! I wish more nights can be like this, lit up by the moon. It seems ever tranquil, doesn't it Gil?

"Gil? Since when do you call me Gil?" He asked in a surprised yet charming tone.

"It just sort of slipped out. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I am glad you enjoyed it," Gilbert took a step closer to Anne, reaching his hand out for the loose strand of auburn. He managed successfully to tuck it behind her ear while whispering "carrots."

And for the first time, Anne enjoyed being called that. Never in a million years would anyone imagine this day she thought.

She was very wrong. She didn't know what lay ahead of her.


I'm backkkk. But this was the last chapter :(.

I hope you enjoyed, I wrote this with great difficulty.

For everyone who read this and commented and voted, I would like to thank you for sticking with me till the very end. I love you all from the bottom of my heart, thank you for choosing to read this.

Anyways, please don't forget to comment and vote! Thank you <3.

And byeeeeee

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