Chapter 2: The Second Day

Start from the beginning

                “So what was he like?” Michael asked. I thought for a second. “Nice, funny, good looking, friendly, supportive, annoyingly fun.” I told him. He nodded. “Ah, that type. Then he dumped ya?” Michael asked. “We never dated!” I repeated. “Sure. Maybe you just don’t wanna admit your heartbreak.” Michael commented. “No, seriously we never dated.” I told him once again. He put his hands up in defeat. “Okay, okay, got it. But does that mean you’re free for pickup?” Michael asked. “The fuck is that supposed to mean?!?” I asked but continued walking. Michael laughed to himself before yelling “Hey! Wait up!” And running after me.

                “What’s your deal?” Michael asked when he caught up. “What do you mean?” I questioned. He rested a hand on my shoulder. “Oh nothin’ you’re just not normal at all. You are a total geek.” Michael stated. I scoffed. “Oh well, you know, girly girls don’t get into fucking gamer highschools!” I yell. He doesn’t flinch. He actually laughs. “Oh you truly are somethin’.” He said and started walking away. I chased after him “Hey! Wait up!”

                We walked back into the supposed classroom and sat down at our desks. “Where did you guys go?” Gavin asked. “Probably banged each other…” Ray commented. “Fuck you Ray, and we went out to the fountain.” Michael told Gavin. “Fountain of-“ Ray started but Michael interjected. “NOPE!” Everyone started laughing. “Okay, okay, settle down. We have lot’s of editing to do. Hey Rikki, you’re gonna be in charge of editing Let’s Builds from now on ‘kay? Michael will help ya get started.” Geoff says. Are they trying to kill me? I can’t hide my goddamn feelings forever…

                Michael rolled his chair up to mine. “Alright kiddo!” He started. “Don’t call me a kid if we’re the same age in the same grade dumbass.” I told him. He looked halfway shocked for a minute. “Haha ok, fine Rikki. But don’t be such a smartass. That gets you in big trouble round here.” Michael commented, with all sarcasm of course. “I’ve seen your videos. You guys are the kings of being smart asses. So save the trouble in telling me that.” I say and sigh. “Alright so how do I do this shit?” I asked, and he got started on teaching me what to do.

                We laughed and talked as I learned to edit. Michael was a fun teacher, the one that you always wanted but never had, ya know? But working this close with him made me like him even more if I didn’t already. And Lindsay was giving me “secretive winks” that Michael noticed. But other than the bad it was amazing! I liked editing and wanted to do more but Geoff called end of day. I walked out with Michael, Lindsay, and Gavin. “So, how’d she do Michael?” Lindsay asked, looking over at him from my left side. “Eh she did good. She’s kinda a natural. Or a fast learner. Whichever.” Michael said while sideways glancing at me. "Well I am a fast learner..." I say and continue with, "But it does help to have a great teacher who knows what he's doing." And as if on cue, Lindsay and Gavin started prodding Michael and I's sides with thier elbows while cooing. "Do we have lovebirds aye?" Gavin asked, his accent shining through. "No!" Michael and I yelled in unison. The pair cooed again. "Oh fuck off." Michael said, clearly pissed.

            "Alright, so what are we doin tonight? Wanna come over to our pad and play Xbox? Or just chat? Or do both? Michael asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "Its up to Lindsay." I told him. Lindsay looked up from her phone at us. "Hmm?" She asked wordlessly. "Do you wanna come over tonight? Chat, play video games, or both?" Michael repeated in shorthand. "Uhhh, I guess so. We can decide when we get there." Lindsay told Michael. Score I thought to myself as we walked around back to the dorms.

           Gavin unlocked the dorm and we all walked in. It was pretty clean except for the random Xbox 360 controller laying by the wall. I pointed at it and looked to Michael. He started blushing and rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh uh, Gavin killed me in minecraft when I had really good stuff so I just kinda..." Michael started. "Threw it in anger?" I asked, and he nodded. I started to laugh, as did everybody else. "Hey shut up you fucks!" Michael yelled, which made us laugh louder.

                        "Alright, so are we chatting, playing games? What are we doin?" Michael asked. "Ill do either." Gavin said as he sat on his bed. Michael looked to us. Linds and I exchanged glances before saying "Both." In unison. "Alright then. That wasn't too fucking hard now was it?" Michael asked. "Well then sir." I said and sat down on the couch in front of the tv. "Wait we need two Xboxes." I said. " I got it." Lindsay said and hopped over the couch ovwr to our dorm.

           Luckily, the guys had two tvs. So we all sat in the same general area and loaded up minecraft. "So Rikki, you never said your full story." Michael started. I sighed. "Believe me, its best you dont know." I told him. "I'll tell you mine if you say yours." He offered. "Fine." I agreed. I told him about my parents, my brothers, everything. "Now, whats your story Mr.Jones?" I asked. "Well..." he started.

           Turns out that Michael has been through about the same as me. His parents got divorced when he was 12, He lived with his mom for a while until he started Highschool. Then he moved on campus with a British boy named, Gavin Free. He has lost 5 people as well. But he survived with video games, and youtube. Which I am very glad about.

        We went around, telling our story and venting about tough topics. I dont think anyone went without crying. But then Gavin died, and I laughed, and started joking with him. It brought up the mood, and everyone was somewhat happy again. "Alright guys, it's time to go to bed! We only have tomorrow and then we have the weekend." Lindsay said. We packed up our Xbox and got all our shit together. "Alright guys have a goodnight." Michael said and hugged me, while Gavin hugged Lindsay. "Night guys!" I said as we left.

        "He is TOTALLY into you!" Lindsay said the minute we walked through the door. "No..." I excused. She shook her head with a passion. "Nope. It's done he likes you! Michael and Rikki sittin' in a_" I cut her off. "You better shut the fuck up right now." I told her sternly. She raised her hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry just please don't hurt me." Lindsay said. I sighed. "It's fine. And I wouldn't hurt you. You are one of my four actual friends I have in this school. Or in Rooster Teeth. Whichever." I told her. She shook her head and smiled. We took a seat on my bed. "Every person is a friend you haven't met yet. So I'm one of your billions of friends." Linds said. I smiled. "Why are you such an inspirational fuck?" I asked. She stood up, "I just am." she stated then turned off the light.

        "Oh and Rikki?" Linds said. "Yeah?" I asked. "Tomorrow, you'll meet someone very near and dear to my heart." She told me. I lyed awake thinking of who, or what it could be.

                                         I eventually fell into the oblivion called sleep.

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