Chapter 1: The New School?

Start from the beginning

“So how the fuck did I end up here?” I asked Geoff. “Well Rikki, we watched your channel a bit, looked at your records and switched around a few things. So we’re the only school in your school zone.” Geoff explained with a wide grin on his face. “I’m stuck here?” I asked and he nodded. I was internally cheering but just sat down in my seat. “So since we kidnapped you, you will work here for a paycheck, filming let’s plays with all these goofballs. That’s why we have desks all around the room. But while you’re here, don’t think you’re just being put to work. We’re a family here. We dick around, but we don’t kill each other in real life. I will always be here for you, as well as some of the kids here. Some. Some are just dicks.” Geoff said. The class protested but he just laughed. “Alright get to work you fuck’s!” Geoff announced.

Everyone ran to their desks, while I stood by my chair. “Follow me.” Geoff said and lead me to an empty desk by Ray’s desk. “Here you go. This is your permanent desk. You can bring in anything you wish for your desk. But you sit here every day forever.” Geoff told me. I sat down in my chair and then rolled in between Michael and Ray. “Okay what the fuck am I doing?” I asked the boys. “Um I don’t know. GEOFF WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING!”  Michael yelled. “Fucking each other.” Ray said excitedly. I could feel Tina’s short glare at him. “Close but no Ray. You goofballs along with me are going to be filming a few lets plays. Rikki, if we need a camera woman during a let’s play, that will be your job today. We’ll do some behind the scenes stuff I guess. Meg, Tina, work on editing please. Kdin’s table and Lindsay, if you could do a let’s build that’d be great. Ok? Ok. Cool.” Geoff said and we all started on our separate projects.

Today was a GTA 5 and then editing day. Well, at least ‘till lunch. “C’mon newbie. Sit with us today.” Michael said and wrapped his arm around me. We walked down the hallway in our little pack, having small chit-chat. “So what’s your story?” Michael asked, since it was just Him, Lindsay and I in the back of the pack. “You sure you want to know?” I asked. I didn’t have the best past, but I’m guessing he didn’t either. “Yeah sure.” He said as we walked into the lunchroom. “I think it’d be a cool story too.” Lindsay agreed. “Okay…” I said and got my lunch. We sat down at a separate table from the rest of our group of 7, me included.

“Alright, so what’s your story?” Michael asked, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. “Well, when I was a kid I moved around every two years, but just recently we found a permanent place to live. Right here in Austin, Texas. Which it’s pretty cool honestly, and not the state. It’s hot as hell here, I mean meeting all of you. But that’s about as deep as I’ll go for now.” I explained to the two. “Ohhh…” They said, taking in my explaination. “So you live with your parents? Or are you gonna stay at a dorm here?” Lindsay asked. “There are dorms?” I questioned. “Yup. Totally free too. Now that I think about it, I don’t have a roommate so you could stay with me if you’d like.” Lindsay offered. “Would I! Lord that would be so cool! You’d do that for me?” I asked and she nodded. “Yeah, always space at the Tuggey residence! You just have to be in the Tugg life.” She joked. We all laughed. “You guys are goofballs.” Michael commented.

The second part of the day went by relatively quick, which was good for me. “You need a lift to your place to get your things?” Lindsay asked. “That would be nice. Thanks Lindsay.” I thanked. “No problem. Oh and you can call me Linds if you like. It’s kinda my nick name around here.” She told me. I nodded. “Cool.” I said as we got into the car. “What type of music do ya listen to Linds?” I asked her. “Anything you want. Just not country please. That shit is fucking everywhere.” She responded. I pulled out my aux cable and put on my music. “Lindsay approved?” I asked and she nodded while driving down the road to my house.

When we got to my house, I told my mom goodbye and grabbed all my belongings, getting occasional laughs and looks from Lindsay for my Rooster Teeth and Achievement hunter merchandise. “What’s this?” She asked when she found my sketchpad. “You drew this?!?” She asked. I walked over to see what she was looking at. It was one of my first drawings with my wood pencils. “Yeah, and all these…” I said as I showed her my drawings of all the AH guys. Her eyes widened the further in we got. The last one was an outstanding drawing of Michael. “Oh my god, I have to show him when we get to the dorms. He’s two doors down. It’ll be epic.” She told me.

Soon enough, I had all my shit and was ready to go. “Bye mom!” I said as I gave her one last hug. She waved us off as we drove back to school, jamming out to mostly panic at the disco songs. “Ah, home sweet home!” Lindsay said as we walked into our dorm. It was actually pretty neat. “Cool place.” I told her. “Thank you!” she responded and curtsied. “Shall we go show Michael then?” She asked. I nodded and grabbed my sketchpad.

A minute later we were knocking on Michael’s door. “’Ello?” Gavin asked as he answered the door. “Hey can we see Michael?” Lindsay asked, and as if on cue, the brunette appeared behind Gavin. “What’s up?” He asked. Lindsay took my sketchpad and turned to the latest drawing. “Look at this! Rikki drew this!” She said, handing the sketchpad to Michael. His eyes went from normal, to wide as he found more and more details. “Holy fuck Rikki! This is amazing!” He said and hugged me tight. “Although, it is a little unsettling knowing you had to fucking stare at my face like a super creep to draw this.” He commented. I lightly punched him in the arm. “Oh fuck you!” I said.

“Is there one of me?” Gavin asked. “Yeah!” I said and showed him. “I love it!” He told me after examining it for about 3 minutes. “I’m glad you do!” I told him. “We better go. We have work tomorrow.” Lindsay said and we told the guys good bye. “That was cool.” I told her. She nodded. “I’d bet.” She responded. She unlocked our dorm and we sat down on the floor. Me against my bed and Lindsay against hers. “Sooo… Who do you like?” Lindsay asked. I blushed. “E-excuse m-me?” I questioned. “Who do you like? C’mon, every boy is hot at our school. SO! Who’s your favorite?” She asked. I gulped. “M-michael.” I muttered. “I can’t hear you when you mumble child.” Lindsay said, acting British. “Michael.” I repeated, louder this time. “Ooh Rikki. He’s a toughie I’ll tell ya that, but you have the right personality. So if you work at it, he’ll totally date you. I bet you.” Lindsay told me. “You sure?” I asked. She nodded. “Positive.” She responded.

Then we crawled up onto our beds, said goodnight, and fell asleep. Waiting for the next day.

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