Chapter 1

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Asta wakes up after a harsh battle and sitting next to him on a chair is Noelle?!?

"What's she doing in my room." Asta says "Dont tell me she was looking out for me as I sleep that's so nice."

She looks tired man to be sleeping on a chair
~Picks up Noelle bridal style from the chair and lays her on his bed~

"You can rest easier now" he says while smiling

Well I better clean my self up I smell horrible

'Right as Asta was about to leave his room an arm tugs on his shirt


You okay?!

"I'm F-fine StupidAsta" Noelle says while blushing

I'm just making sure your in good health to be walking after the injuries you got.

"Ah that" Asta says. No need to worry about I barely felt it and after a meal I'll be perfectly good.

A-Alright now you better

"I'll get going now" she says

"Right" says Asta I'll see you at the dining hall. But before that I gotta take a shower.

Noelle leaves his room blushed and heads to the dining hall

~20 minutes later~

Alright man that shower felt great

Asta enters the dining hall and sees Noelle, Vanessa, Charmy, and Luck.

Hey Guys!!!

"Man I'm starving" he says as he sits next to Noelle

"Don't worry I got this" Charmy says as she creates a few sheep cooks who create massive amounts of food And starts eating again.

Wanna fight huh Asta "Luck says as the battle obsessed maniac he is

"Sorry Luck maybe later" Says Asta as he starts eating

"This is soo good" Asta says as he digs in to the piles of food "try one" he says as he gives a small slice of cake to Noelle
"R-Right" she says as he takes the cake from his hands.

"Nice to see you two are all chummy" Vanessa says while drinking wine. "And Noelle nice work taking care of Asta for the week he was out"

"A WEEK" Asta yells "I thought I was out for like a day. And taking care of me what do you mean"

"Oh she didn't tell you" Vanessa says smugly

"S-stop it Vanessa" Noelle says blushed

She came to your room for the past week making sure you were alright morning night it almost as if she li-

"It was just to make sure you were safe" Noelle says blushed abruptly cutting Vanessa off

"N-Noelle!" Asta yells and goes in for a hug surprising her

"What are you doing A-Asta" she says heavily blushed

"Nothing it's just you looked out for me the only other person that did that was-" Asta thinks hard.

"Well no one actually not since I was a kid" Explains Asta cheerfully

"I guess that makes you special" Vanessa says with a grin

"S-Shut up" Noelle says blushed as she embraces him "This is only because you saved me

"Suree" says Vanessa

Yami barges in breaking the door with his leg.

"Asta And Noelle Heck are ya doing?" Explains Yami

Both of them break apart and blush

Also good work a with the dungeon. You 3 also sorry to cut your day short but urgent news just came in

The wizard king wants Noelle and Asta to head to the Diamond Kingdom

Asta and Noelle are confused headed to the diamond kingdom

"Why are we headed there" asks Asta

"Don't got a clue they said they fill you in when you got there."

"Ohh captain can I go" Asks Luck

"No! They said fighting is to be avoided and there's no way your going" Says Yami "Go with Magna instead he's got a fighting mission"

"What about us" Asks "Noelle "where do we go exactly the diamond kingdom is huge"

"It should be written here also said to make sure only you two know the contents of the letter" He says as he hands a envelope and money to both of them. "The money is to help you along the way"

"Thanks" Asta says right before he was about to open the envelope Yami stops him

"Now they said it was confidential so open it in secret or something dumbass now Scram!" He says with a menacing look

"At least let us get ready sir" Expains Noelle

"Alright fine you got 5 minutes" Says Yami "You better be out in 5 or your dead"

"Y-Yes" Both Asta and Noelle yell as they leave to get ready

~5 minutes later~

"How are are we supposed to get there neither of us can fly " Says Asta until Finral comes up from behind

Captain told me your predicament luckily I can help

"Really you're coming with us" Explain both Noelle and Asta

"No but I will teleport you to the Capital where you could take a ride or something"

"That's better than walking it on foot" Says Noelle

Finral uses his Spatial Magic teleporting both of them to the Capital

"Good Luck" he says before closing the portal

"R-Right we will" Both Asta and Noelle say before looking for a ride

It took a while but they find a man agreeing to take them near the Diamond and Clover kingdom border

They both sit down and they're unforgettable journey is about to begin.
That's chapter one done
Asta and Noelle ship going smooth and Yuno and Mimosa will be a ship as well (You'll see when)
It's also my very first fanfic so excuse any mistakes grammatical or otherwise
I'll come back and fix any mistakes I find
Also any feedback welcome as I am curious what you think and second chapter coming soon

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