Chapter Thirteen -- Not According to Plan... Again

Start from the beginning

"Because we're hunting witches and monsters," said Seth.

"Kendra's right," said Starla. "It doesn't do any good to dwell on dark thoughts."

"But we do want to be on the road and away from here before the twilight is gone," Ruth pointed out.

"Hugo," said Starla, "lead the way quietly into the basement. Protect us from harm, but don't kill."

The golem obeyed, moving more stealthily and quietly than usual. Ruth followed, and Starla took the rear.

"Good luck," Embrous called softly from the edge of the yard. Starla nodded before entering the abandoned church.

The inside of the church was dim, but Starla could still see the overturned pulpit and smashed, decaying pews. The walls were covered in graffiti, but she could only read the language of the imps. She cringed at the words and quickly slipped after Grandmother, Seth, Kendra, and Hugo.

The golem was quietly prying a corroded door, which probably lead to the basement, open at the back of the chapel. He crouched and twisted through the doorway, followed by Ruth, Starla, and her cousins.

The stairs behind the door lead to a large, freezing room. Starla peeked around Hugo, and her eyes widened.

Grandfather and Lena were chained the wall, and a huge puppet -- Muriel's limberjack, only much larger -- was dancing in front of them. Which meant that the beautiful woman standing at the alcove in the back of the room was Muriel. She was blowing on one of the many knots keeping back Bahumat. About forty, human-sized imps surrounded her, as well as about ninety normal-sized imps, and Starla felt her heart sink. As the knot unravelled, one of the smaller imps sprang to human size.

"Hugo," said Starla softly, "incapacitate the imps, but don't kill them, and capture Muriel, quickly."

The golem charged into the room, and Starla moved to stand in front of her cousins.

The imp at the back of the group turned and saw Hugo. It let out a yowl, and all the imps turned. Muriel turned as well, and she shouted, "Seize them!"

The imps charged, and Starla readied her sword, feeling sick. She hated attacking imps.

Most of the imps attacked Hugo, but a few of them dodged him, aiming for Ruth, Seth, Starla, and Kendra. Hugo spun around and grabbed two of them, knocking them away from the entrance. He swung them around, knocking over many. But they kept leaping up and attacking, no matter how many times they were flung into the wall or knocked over.

"Grandma," said Kendra, pointing at Muriel. "She's up to something."

"Hugo," Starla yelled, "Leave the imps to us and go capture Muriel!" She charged into the room, followed by Seth and Ruth. The golem threw the imp he was holding and charged at Muriel.

"Mendigo, protect me!" Muriel shrieked, and the wooden man dashed to intercept Hugo.

Starla was careful not to cut any of the imps, but she did hit them with the flat of her blade and knocked many out with the hilt. Seth and Ruth threw the dust, and a huge crackle of electricity threw the imps away from them.

Hugo had almost reached Muriel. The limberjack dived at his feet, knocking the golem over, but he shook the puppet off and ran at the witch again. He was inches from grabbing her when a thunderclap shook the building. Hugo crumbled into a pile of rubble.

"NO!" Starla screamed, causing the imps to freeze.

Grandmother pointed the crossbow at Muriel and shot. The arrow sprang towards her. Mendigo tried to stop it, but he had been knocked too far by Hugo. Muriel shrieked and fell backward, clutching at her shoulder. She bounced off of the knotted net covering the alcove and stumbled forward. "You will pay for that sting!" she snarled at Ruth.

"Run!" Starla told Seth and Kendra, still feeling grief for the fallen golem.

But Muriel had stretched forth her hand, and a gust of wind stripped away the sparkling dust. Four imps ran forward and seized Grandmother, avoiding Starla.

Seth sprang forward and threw the rest of his salt, sending the imps flying backward.

"Mendigo, bring me the boy!" Muriel yelled.

The puppet shot forward and grabbed Seth, dragging him over to the wall. The imps grabbed her grandmother again.

Starla sank. She couldn't defeat the imps on her own, much less Muriel. She sheathed her sword and she was once again wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt. She backed up, standing next to Kendra.

"Seize them!" the witch commanded.

"We will not harm Starla," one imp snarled.

"And the girl is protected by the treaty," said another.

"Muriel is not bound by the laws restraining her minions!" Grandfather shouted. "Run all the way home, straight down the road you came by. Do no harm along the way! Don't stray from the path! Then get off the property! Ram the gate with my truck! Fablehaven will fall! Some of us have to survive!"

Starla grabbed Kendra's arm and dragged her out of the basement and up the stairs. The puppet could take her, but she had to protect her cousin.

"Wait, children!" Muriel yelled.

"Ignore her," Starla told Kendra shakily. Kendra nodded, pale and upset.

"STOP!" Muriel bellowed, as the three of them reached the chapel.

"No!" Starla snapped back. She released Kendra once they were outside, knowing that Muriel wouldn't follow them; Bahumat was the witch's main concern.

The two of them rushed across the clearing, and Embrous swooped down to meet them.

"What-" he began, as he soared beside them. He frowned. "You failed."

"Yes. The others were captured, and although Muriel has many more knots to release, Bahumat will be freed by dawn," Starla answered raspingly.

"Oh dear," Embrous said worriedly, landing on her shoulder. "That would be disastrous for all creatures here. We must stop them!"

"But we can't!" Kendra cried.

"The shrine," the phoenix said, his eyes widening.

Starla skidded to a halt. "The Fairy Queen!"

"What?" Kendra asked with a frown, stopping as well. "What if we get turned into dandelion fluff?"

"We won't," Starla replied, a flicker of hope in her chest. "Phoenixes are well-respected by fairies." She paused. "And as it is, it's the only plan we have."

Adopted into Fablehaven Book 1 -- FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now