Chapter Two -- Responsible And Irresponsible

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The next morning, Starla joined her cousins at the breakfast table. Seth was restless, and was currently using his knife to bounce the sun's rays into other people's eyes. Kendra glared at him and blocked the sun with her hand.

"Seth," Starla chided. "No one likes the sun in their eyes."

"Where's Dale?" Seth asked, putting down the knife.

"Dale and I got up a few hours ago," Stan answered tiredly. "He's out working. I'm just here to keep you company on your first morning."

Lena entered the dining room and put bowls in front of each of the children.

"Ooh, cream of wheat!" Starla smiled, picking up her spoon.

"You say that at every meal," Stan chuckled.

"Mm." Kendra had tasted it, and her eyes were lit up. "It does taste good."

"Amazing," Seth corrected after he'd tried some as well. "Just think, Dad is eating snails."

Starla gave him a horrified look. "A living creature?!"

"She's extremely vegetarian," Stan explained at Kendra's and Seth's befuddled looks. "We haven't been able to eat meat since she could talk."

"What?" Seth complained.

"Lena's tofu burgers are amazing," Starla promised, digging into the cream of wheat again.

"That sounds like a disease," Seth grumbled.

Stan cleared his throat. "Starla told you about the rules?"

"Stay out of the woods and the barn," Kendra replied at once.

"She wouldn't tell us why, though," Seth complained.

"We're at the height of tick season," Stan replied grimly. Starla stifled a smile. He was a good actor!

"Then why was Starla all worried?" Seth demanded.

"Ticks can carry Lyme disease," Stan answered. "It's very deadly. And Starla cares naturally about everyone." He and Lena gave her fond looks, and she blushed.

"There's a swimming pool out back that we got ready for you," Stan continued. "There are gardens to explore. You can play in your room. Just respect the rules and we'll get along fine."

"When is Grandma coming back?" Kendra asked.

A flicker of pain in Stan's eyes made Starla want to comfort him, but she couldn't, at least not in front of her "cousins." "That depends on your Aunt Edna. Could be next week. Could be a couple of months."

"Good thing Grandma got over her illness," said Kendra.

"Only with Starla's help," Lena chuckled, when a faintly confused look passed over Stan's face. Starla pretended to blush again, and Kendra smiled at her.

"I'm sad we missed her," Kendra said.

"She is, too," Starla replied. "Dale's probably waiting, Grandfather," she added when she saw that he was looking uncomfortable and distant.

Stan shook himself. "Right. I'll see you kids later." He got up and left.

Seth finished two seconds later and dashed upstairs.

"The sunblock is in the upstairs bathroom if you're going to swim," Starla called after him.

"Does he often leave in the middle of a meal?" Kendra asked Starla, savoring another spoonful.

"Yes," Starla agreed. "He'll be back by dinner.

"Would you like to go swimming?"


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