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An hour passed and it was time for third period. "Oh my God! Fuckin math. 1 times 2 equals my ass that's what." Kazuri said walking to her locker and opens it. "Kazuri you ready?!"

"Just wait a sec Kazuki I gotta get my history binder" she said in a mad tone.

"Or are you?" he said." Don't start that again!!" Kazuri yelled.

"Okay Why so serious?!l He said laughing.

"You fuckfart!!" She said jumping on Kazuki's back.

"Okay I going to stop"He said." Or am I?!"

"Noooooo!!" She smacked Kazuki making his nose bleed. "I'm sorry Kazuki. You okay."she said about to cry." I'm fuckin bleeding. I'm I okay?!. It's super effective!!"He said yelling."I'm Sorry!." Kazuri said crying. Everybody in the hallway stared at them." Don't worry I'm okay Kazuri"Takes her hand going to the nurse's office.

"Kazuri don't cry. I'm okay" He said staring at her." K-K-Kazuki." she said with her lips quivering and her body shaking with her hands covering her face."Come on look at me. I'm okay.Don't cover that beautiful face" Kazuki said taking her hand away from her face as she stop shaking.

"I'm I really?.I thought you think as me only as a friend. Then if I am prove it." She said.

"Okay" Kazuki said reaching in for a kiss and starts to. Kazuki blushes.

"Kazuki. I like you!? She said really fast.

"Was that super effective too?!" Kazuki thinking out loud.

"I guess it was" Kazuri said reaching in for a kiss and starts to kiss Kazuki again as the nurse come in.

"No wayyyy!!!." The nurse said as Kazuri and Kazuki stoped.

"DETENTION FOR LIFE!!!!!!. Actually I can't cause I'm only a nurse.

Kazuki and Kazuri look at reach other and say at the same time " I guess we're in a relationship.!"

Kazuki and KazuriWhere stories live. Discover now