La Diabla - Chapter Nine

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Sabina rolled over in bed, opening her eyes. Oscar was wide awake, his arm around her. "You okay?" She asked.

His head turned to her. "Did I wake you?"

She shook her head softly, "no."

Oscar looked back up at the ceiling. "Can we talk?"


He swallowed before speaking, he didn't want to tread on dangerous waters but he had to know the truth. "What actually happened?"

She sighed, shutting her eyes momentarily. "You really want to know?" He nodded without a word, so she sat up, crossing her legs. "I was pregnant, that was true. When Dario found out he made up this crazy scene in his head about a cashier from a Walgreens we had went to earlier that day to buy the pregnancy test. He started yelling at me about being a whore and how I gave it up to whoever looked at me." He scooted up, listening. "But I didn't sleep with anybody else, that baby was Dario's. He didn't want the responsibility so he made up a lie and had me casted out." She looked down at her lap, sighing. "I was on the streets for a few days when I stumbled upon Ruby's back yard. He helped me. He brought me to you." She nudged him softly and he smiled. "I'm so grateful for you." She ran the pad of her thumb down his arm. "I don't know what I would've done without you. You didn't have to take me in, you could've easily said no."

"And I almost did." He chuckled softly and she smiled, "I'm glad I didn't, though." She blushed slightly, bowing her head as she grinned.  He set his hand on her face, cupping her cheek. "Honestly, I am. I've shown you parts of me these past two weeks I ain't ever shown anybody. I didn't know I could care this much about somebody that wasn't Cesar or myself."

"Not under the best circumstances but.." she giggled, looking down again to hide her blush. "It's something, huh?"

He laughed, "I think if we met under different circumstances we would've hated each other."

She nodded, frowning. "Do you hate me?"

He scoffed, "yeah."

She playfully hit his arm and he laughed grabbing her hand as she did, pulling her down to set his lips on hers. Their lips connected and he set his hand at the back of her neck to keep her there. Then she pulled away, shaking her head. "Oscar I can't do this."

He licked his lips, sitting up completely. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

"I didn't mean that I didn't want it." She said, "it's just that I'm living in your house, I have a lot going on and my head just can't begin to comprehend a complicated relationship."

He nodded, "okay, I understand. I over stepped."

She smiled sadly, laying back down. "Goodnight Oscar." She ended the conversion there so it wouldn't get now awkward.

The next morning she woke up by herself, the bed was cold next to her so Oscar had been gone for a while. Then she looked at the alarm clock, it was too early for him to be up since Cesar hadn't even woken up for school yet. She stood, wondering where the hell he was and why it wasn't by her side. It wasn't until she walked into the living room that she found him asleep on the couch. She furrowed her eyebrows, walking up to him. She stared at him for a second before poking his bicep with her index finger.

Oscar groaned and she giggled, poking him again until his eyes opened slowly. "Hey." He said in a raspy-morning voice, "good morning, you're up early."

"Why are you out here?" She looked down at his body, "you don't even have a blanket."

He covered his eyes with his hand, shutting them. "I'm sleeping, talk later?"

She shook her head, "come back to bed, Oscar."

"Nah you go ahead, I'll be out here if you need anything."

Sabina refused, laying on top of him. "You can't do that to me."

He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her so she would roll off. "Do what?" Her body heat gave him goosebumps after sleeping without a blanket on.

She mumbled against the skin of his bare chest. "Leave me 'cause I didn't let you kiss me."

He kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes. "It ain't even like that. I got up to the restroom and I forgot where my room was."

Sabina scoffed. "Can you just come back to bed?"

Oscar thought for a second before nodding, "I guess."

She stood, offering her hand and he took it, standing up. "You're dramatic man." She wrapped her arm around his torso and he wrapped his around her shoulders, chuckling.

"Only for you mama."

La Diabla | Oscar DiazTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang