The day after the supposedly hospital visit

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(They day after resoment agreed to join the group Adam goes to the hospital and compels Xavier to forget Resoment that she was supposed to visit)
Resoment:Will it hurt?
Tommy: Just for a moment then the pain will subside.
Adam: Tommy wait.
Adam: how is she going to feed?
Resoment:What do you mean feed?
Tommy:vampires have to drink blood to survive. Are you ok with that?
Resoment:I guess so. But will I drink animal blood or human blood?
Tommy: which one do you prefer?
Tommy: ok you will be asleep for a few minutes but once you wake up than you will be able to feed.
Resoment: will I have any powers?
Tommy:yes but you won't be able to control them and you'll get a random power.
Resoment: ok let's do it.
(Tommy leans down and tilts Resoments head to the side and inserts his fangs into her neck)
Tommy: Let her rest she'll be awake soon but until then let's go and find her a human to feed on.
Adam and Ricky: Ok.
(When they came back the find out Resoment was gone and no where to be seen)
Tommy: Damn it she's gone Adam compel this woman to stay here while we go and find her.
Adam: ok.
(Adam walks up to the woman and compels her to stay here)
Adam:Ok done.
Tommy:let's split up it's easier that way.
(Adam goes left Tommy goes right and Ricky goes straight)
Ricky calls the other telepathicly: I found her we're at the abandoned rehearsal studio.
Tommy and Adam: ok we're on our way.
(Tommy and Adam run to the abandoned rehearsal studio)
Tommy:How did she get inside?
Ricky:I don't she was inside when I got her.
Adam: why don't we just break inside it abandoned anyway.
Tommy: let's do it.
(When they get they find shes sitting sitting on the middle of the floor crying)
Tommy:what's wrong Resoment?
Resoment:I'm scared what if I loose control of my hunger and hurt everyone? I don't want to hurt anyone.
Tommy:That only happens when you let your hunger build up.
Resoment: ok what are the chances of getting two powers?
Tommy: the chances of getting two powers is one in a million.
Resoment: can we leave I'm getting hungry.
Tommy:yes we have someone at the house for you to feed on.
(They make their way back to the house and Resoment feeds on the human but little does she know has four powers) 
Resoment:why do I feel like I can lift anything up I also feel like flying and send electricity to everyones body?
Tommy:Resoment don't you see your the most powerful vampire alive you have super strength electrokensis flight and a shield you don't need us.
Resoment:But I want to be with you guys you make me feel comfortable.
Tommy: you can stay with us if you want to but remember try and control your powers
Resoment:OK I will.
(Adam Ricky and Tommy go up to her  and hug her tommy starts to say something)
Tommy:Resoment can I talk to you privately?
Resoment: of course.
(Tommy and Resoment head into a different room while Adam and Ricky goes to watch tv)
Tommy:Resoment I think im in love with you.
Resoment: what?
Tommy: I'm in love with you.
Resoment: To be honest I'm in love with you to.
Tommy: do you think we can be together?
Resoment:of course.
Do you want to tell the others.
Resoment: no let's wait until tonight.
(The next part will be the last part for this but there will always be more stories in the future)

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