I breathed a sigh of relief, we were away from the zombies...for now.
"I just knew something like this was going to happen tonight!" Courtney exclaimed in a frustrated tone.
"You did? Wow, 'cos that zombie bit really threw me." Issac said from the back.
I smirked and chuckled at his response as Courtney turned around in her seat and glared at Norman.
"Why d'you have to go and get everyone involved in all your weird stuff?!" She asked.
"Hey, leave him alone! We're just doing what our uncles told us!" I defended.
"Since when were you involved?!" Courtney asked me.
"Since I became friends with him!" I declared.

"Well, you weren't supposed to follow us, were you?" Norman said to Courtney.
"Sorry. My fault. When I'm nervous I get mouth diarrhoea." Neil admitted.
"Ha ha! Diarrhoea!" Alvin laughed.
I sighed, how immature is this guy?
"Oh my gosh, I think I'm having an aneurism! This is so typical of you!" Courtney said.
I tilted my head, what the heck is an aneurism?
"You don't understand! Isabelle and I are the only ones who can stop this, Courtney!" Norman shouted.
"Oh, I understand! I understand that this is all getting completely out of-" She replied before the zombie judge ripped the sunroof off and put his hand into the car, clawing centimetres above Courtney's head.
"Hand!" She shrieked.

I saw the zombie look inside and at Norman, his eyes locking onto the book in his hands, and reaching towards him.
I grabbed my stick and hit the hand with it while Neil jumped onto it, wrestling it away from Norman.
"Whaddawedo? Whaddawedo? Mitch?!" Neil asked as he kept the hand away.
"I don't know! I don't know!" Mitch replied as he steered the van.
"You're the oldest!" Neil cried.
"Not mentally!" He replied before a siren sound got louder and louder. "Oh great, the cops."

A lady on a police bike, holding a megaphone pulled up alongside the van, shouting angrily.
"Pull over the vehicle!" She shouted.
The zombie leant further in, Neil was hanging off his arm and my stick didn't seem to be doing anything.
"Norman! How do we stop them?!" Courtney asked.
"We're supposed to read from the book at the witch's grave!" Norman replied, staring at the book.
"We've got to go back to the graveyard?" Neil asked.
"She wasn't buried with the others. We don't know where else to look." I said.
"Well you two better think of something quick!" Courtney cried.
I tried wracking my brain for an idea, but I was too distracted by the zombie above me.

"I have an idea!" Neil cried.
"What is it!?" I asked.
"Does someone have a phone?" He asked.
Norman pulled a phone out of his pocket. "Here."
"Ok now dial this number." Neil said before giving the number.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~

"So Norman, let me get this straight; you guys all go on this big supernatural adventure and you're calling me in the middle of the night because you need someone to help you do your homework?" I heard Salma's voice on the other end of the phone.
"Uh, yeah." Norman said, occasionally dodging Neil's flailing limbs and my stick.

Suddenly something rammed into the side of the van, making the zombie judge fall onto the windscreen.
I put my stick down before seeing one of the zombie's hands clutched in Neil's who looked at it in horror.
"Mitch! Do something!" Courtney cried.
I watched as Mitch turned the windscreen wipers on, which wiped the zombie's face side to side on the glass.

Neil squealed as the zombie's hand scuttled over him and towards me and Norman. I quickly moved in front and batted the hand away, where it landed on Mitch.
Mitch screamed as the hand clung to him and desperately tried shaking it off, loosing control of the van.
We were swerving on the road, me, Neil and Norman being thrown side to side as it swerved.
"Salma! We need to find out where the witch is buried! I went to the old graveyard but her grave wasn't there!" Norman pleaded into the phone.

"Well, duh. People found guilty of witchcraft weren't considered people anymore. Norman, your witch was buried someplace else...in an unmarked grave! If you cared to pay attention some of the time, you would know that we covered this in fifth grade history class." Salma replied.
"Salma! Please! Hurry! Y'know, I would Google this myself if there wasn't a 300 year old dead guy trying to rip my face off!" Norman shouted.
She sighed before replying. "Okay. It says here she was tried in the old Town Hall on Main Street. There may be a record of her execution and burial in their archives." She said.
"Ok, thank you Salma!" I cried. "Quick she said go to the Town Hall!"

Mitch managed to pry the hand off him before throwing it behind him, where it narrowly missed me but got onto Alvin's face.
We swerved left and crashed through foliage of trees, bouncing along with the police behind us and their annoying siren wailing.

The hand somehow got into a wrestling hold with Alvin in it, who was flailing and panicking at the motion.
"Stay still!" Issac ordered before grabbing the hand and trying to pry it off the boy.

I noticed that we had left the trees and houses were beginning to appear as we drove.
We turned a corner though the police had missed the turn and crashed somewhere, though they were off our tail.
We narrowly avoided a car before hearing a sickening crunch.

There stood the one-armed zombie judge, looking pissed as hell, before moaning and lurching towards us.

Mitch screamed and threw his weight onto the wheel, making us swerve out of the way of someone but making him lose control of the van. Thankfully, the zombie was thrown off like a slingshot.

We ploughed through backyard after backyard before bouncing down a hill and flipping over and over, throwing us around like we were rag dolls.
Bright lights, a loud honk, screeching tires.
No, why now?
Metal crunching, screams, glass breaking.
Reaching towards my twin, Issac pulling me towards him, head hitting back of seat.

We screamed before eventually coming to a stop, all of us in different places than where we were before.

I slowly climbed out from the front, tears forming in my eyes, feeling sore all over and dizzy.
"Oh my gosh! I'm gonna be sick!" Mitch cried cupping a hand over his mouth.
"I broke a nail!" Courtney cried.
"Izzy! Are you alright?!" Issac cried, rushing over to me.
I tried to speak but the memories from two years ago were flooding my head.
I wrapped my arms around Issac, ignoring the shriek form Alvin, and burst into tears.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He asked softly, kneeling down and giving me a bear hug.
"The...the memories...they-they're coming b-back." I sniffed out. "Why can't I just move on?"
"Shhh, shhhhhh....it's all right." Issac said, comforting me.
I sniffed a bit more, embracing the warmth of the hug, before pulling back and wiping the tears away. "Thanks."

"Uh oh. Come on!" Norman cried before running off.
I followed behind with Neil, who was humming a theme for a spy movie.
"Perfect, now the geeks are in charge." Courtney said, following behind with the others.

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