Jacks Second Litter and Yusa Gets Wounded

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Yusei walks in "Crow", Crow was laying on the floor unconscious and his leg was bleeding out from a bullet wound. Yusei runs and heals his wound, Crow groans feeling the pain and wakes up. Yusei looks at him "you okay" "yeah, some woman was in the nursery I was talking to her and she shot me and took off with Jacks newborn pups and I ran after her pinning her down and she tossed the pups I caught them and called the police on her" Crow told him, "Oh boy" Yusei sighs. "I'm worried someone might try taking the ones I'm carrying" Crow pins his ears, "Nobody is going to take yours" Yusei told his. "okay" Crow smiled, Yusei smiles. Crow purrs "I better get back to work" he said getting up, Yusei nods "okay".

Crow walks to Jack and lays a kiss on his lips and then hugs Yusei and goes back to work, Yusei hugs him back smiles. Jack smiles in his sleep, Crow called his next patient which was a biker gang member and he had some bad feeling about the person "come with me sir" walks the guy to his room. Yusei watchs him, the door closes and Crow does the check up and takes notes and goes to leave then felt an arm his waist and goes to say something but had two fingers shoved down his throat and Crow coughs choking with tears brimming in his eyes. Yusei felt something wrong and follows his vampire instincts, the guy shoved his very large member down Crow's throat making him take it all and grabs Crow's head thrusting and going all in making him deep throat.

Crow whimpers 'stop...cant..breath', Yusei growls and runs in grabbing the guy pulling him away. The guy grows back, Crow coughed violently till blood hits the floor. Yusei growls changing into his wolf form staying in front of Crow, the guy throws knives at them. Haou runs in and makes a hands sign "ice dagger" and blocks the knives but accidently making one hit Jaden in the chest, Jaden coughs up blood. "JADEN!!" Crow manage to say, Yusei growls and uses his power freezing everything. Haou and Crow blinks, Jaden rips the knife out of his chest. Yusei takes a deep breath and mutters something under his breath healing Jaden, Haou felt bad and teleports somewhere no one will find him and cries. 

"Haou wait!!" Jaden and Crow tries stopping him, Yusei looks and teleports to him and looks at him "Haou". Haou looks at him and pins his ears and whimpers and backs away "I don't want to hurt to you to like I did bro" he runs, Yusei walks towards him "you won't hurt me, you didn't see your brother" "I don't want to lose him he's my only twin" Haou whimpers crying. "I know but you won't lose him" Yusei hugs him, Haou hugs back still crying. Yusei rubs his back, Haou purrs and falls asleep from crying. Yusei picks him up, Haou purrs in his sleep. Yusei smiles and walks back to the hospital, Haou continues purring. Crow and Jaden starts worrying about Haou, Yusei walks into the hospital. 

Crow and Jaden runs to Yusei, Yusei looks at them holding Haou. "is he ok" Crow and Jaden asked, Haou purrs louder hearing his brother. Yusei smiles and nods "yeah he is", Jaden nuzzles Haou purring. Haou purrs, Crow smiles. Yusei set him down on the bed, Jaden snuggles to Haou as he snuggled back. Crow smiles "should I call Jesse, Vizor and Johan, hope they don't think Jaden and Haou are having the pups when I say hospitals", Yusei chuckles "nah they are at my place playing with their siblings" "yep, they're great big brothers" Crow giggles. Yusa wakes up and sees the twins "hey boys", Yusei nods and smiles "yeah they are". The twins looks up and smiles "hi aunt Yusa", Crow smiles "lets check on Jack". 

Yusa hits the deck when one pup sneezed out fire, Yusei nods "okay". The twins watches giggling, Crow walks to Jacks roomYusa pouts. "I gotta get to work since dueling area aren't open" she gets up and leaves for work, Jack was still asleep. Yusei follows, the twins nods. Crow looks in "the birth must of took his energy", "mommy is going to Hooters" one pup said. Yusei nods "yeah", Johan looks at the pup "really". "lets go for lunch" Crow asked, the pup smirked nodding. "okay" Yusei smiles, Johan rose a brow "oh okay". Crow kissed Jacks lips "be back to check on you going out for lunch, heard of Hooters Yusei", the pup sneezed out fire. Yusei slowly nods "yeah", Johan ducks. "then lets go" Crow grabs his hand and walks out, Bruno gets up and gives the pup medicine. 

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