{•Chapter Twenty-Seven•}

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Leon swallows nervously but kept his stoic expression from wavering. He refused to give Krauser an answer, but the man wasn't brainless. The agent hoped his small chat with the man provided enough time for Gwen to grab the second insignia. "You're gonna fail your mission. I can guarantee you that much."

Krauser chuckled as he lowered his blade after connecting the puzzle pieces. "Distracting me to buy time for your girlfriend to grab the second insignia. Clever, but stupid." With a powerful jump, the brute leapt to higher ground. "I know you're a worthy opponent, but I wonder if she really is high and mighty like Umbrella says or if they're just blowing smoke up my ass."

"Krauser!" Leon shouted as the burly man disappeared. He went to take chase, but the stairwell was obscured by metal bars. "Damn!" He searched around for a way to open the way, hoping he'd be able to reach Gwen before Krauser could lay a hand on her.

In the northern area of the ruins, Gwen stood on top of a structure that overlooked the entirety of the ancient site. The view of the dark ocean sent a small chill down her spine as she searched for the insignia. "Where is it?" She huffed in frustration.

Eventually, the archivist found the shard of stone and a joyful glint reflected in her azure eyes. The stone had an eagle carved in it. "Bingo!"

"Sorry for the interruption, but you won't be making it off this rooftop," Krauser grinned as he landed a few feet from Gwen.

"I thought Umbrella wanted me alive?" Gwen questioned in bewilderment, noticing the ladder she climbed up was sealed by a slab of stone and preventing her from escaping. She could hear a faint beeping but was unsure what it was.

"They do, but it seems one of Saddler's experiments cut you down before I could capture you. That's the sad story I'll tell Umbrella. I'll make sure to drag your corpse back to them, though. After all, there will still be some blood in your body once I'm done with you." Gwen watched in terror as Krauser's left arm transformed into a large claw. He chuckled, fighting through the pain of his mutation. "Witness the power!"

"All I'm witnessing is a man who gave up on his own strength and is deciding to rely on a parasite," Gwen hissed, placing the insignia in her pocket.

Her words struck a nerve and Krauser lunged towards her with a snarl. She rolled to safety but regretted it when she saw how close she was to falling off. She regained her balance before toppling over the edge and swiftly dodged another one of Krauser's attacks.

Due to the force behind the swing, Krauser's claw lodged into the stone where Gwen once stood. He grunted in vexation as the appendage wouldn't budge. The archivist opted to smile upon the opening and unloaded an entire clip into the man's back. When she stopped firing, she noticed the wound from where she drove Leon's knife into his back was healed. Her eyes widened in confusion. "How is that possible?"

Krauser huffed out a chuckle as he pulled out a vial from his pocket. Inside the glass bottle was a familiar silver substance. "Leon doesn't realize he's got a golden goose by his side. It would be nice to make millions off your blood alone, but I find his suffering even more enjoyable than money. What better way to make him suffer than kill the woman he loves."

Gwen unconsciously bursted into laughter. "Cliché much, Krauser?" She cleared her throat, raising and aiming her pistol at the man. "I don't know what your deal is with Leon, but I don't care. I'll be the one to kill you."

"Big words for a weak woman," Krauser scoffed, finally yanking his claw out of the stone. "I'm going to enjoy this. I'll make sure to draw out your demise so Leon can watch the life drain from your body."

The archivist sidestepped as Krauser launched himself towards her. She nearly lost her footing, but she recovered before tumbling over. A glimpse of silver caught her attention and wondered what the object was. She scooped it up into her hand and saw it was Krauser's knife. An idea came to mind as she held the blade in one hand and her pistol in the other.

Gwen unloaded another round of bullets into Krauser's body, forcing him back and to fall on his back. Seeing the perfect opportunity, she dashed over with the knife raised in the air. She delivered a powerful kick to his head, earning a grunt from the man. Then, she fell to her knees and sliced the front of his torso open, revealing the organs inside. Krauser screamed from the pain as he grabbed the vial of her blood he had and drank it quickly.

The archivist saw the wound was starting to mend and her window of opportunity was closing. She swiftly grabbed the grenade attached to her belt and shoved it into his body before the skin sealed up. As she went to back away from the recovering man, he swiped his claw at her and impaled her side. A bloodcurdling scream escaped Gwen's lips from the immense pain. She yanked her body backwards, forcing the claw out of her body.

Krauser chortled darkly as he got to his feet. "I had fun tangoing with you, but this ends now."

Gwen fought through the pain and managed to grin. "Yeah, it does end now." She aimed her pistol at the bulge in Krauser's body and fired a single bullet. The grenade triggered and exploded, taking Krauser's entire body with it.

Blood and body parts scattered everywhere. Gwen wasn't horrified at the sight, but she fell on to her back in shock at what she did. The eagle insignia fell out of her pocket as she stared up at the night sky, pressing a hand against her bleeding side. "Did I do the right thing?" She questioned herself.

In her twilight state, Gwen hadn't heard Leon desperately cry out her name as he climbed to the roof. Silver blood seeped through her shirt as the hand she had pressed against the wound fell limp to her side. Then, she felt someone else's hand pressed against the wound, causing her to shriek from the small tinge of pain from the contact.

"Gwen, can you hear me?" Leon questioned as he used his other hand to pull her body into his arms. By the look in her eyes, she seemed to be daydreaming and wouldn't respond. He eyed the blood surrounding them and a few parts of Krauser's body that remained on the rooftop while the others were sent flying across the ruins.

Leon lifted her shirt up to gain access to her side and pulled out the first aid spray he received from the merchant. "This is going to hurt," he warns regardless if Gwen was listening or not. When he sprayed her wound, she whimpered in pain and was awoken from her daze. She bit her bottom lip and prevented herself from crying out.

Once Leon finished spraying her wound, he wrapped gauze around her waist to cover the wound. He tightened it to the point where it would stop the bleeding but keep her from being suffocated. As he helped her up, he noticed a stone shard coated in blood. He hooked her arm around his neck before picking up the object. When he noticed what it was, he placed it in his pocket before helping Gwen down a ladder and toward the stone mural.

Gwen heard the familiar beeping noise from before as she watched Leon place the panther, eagle, and serpent pieces in their rightful places with his free hand. Turning her head, she looked up and saw bombs attached to the ruins. "Leon..."

Hearing her voice, Leon looked over at her before realizing her eyes were focused on something. Following her line of sight, he saw what had her attention. "Guess Krauser's still a pain in the ass even in death."

The stone mural retracted once Leon placed the eagle in the final slot, revealing two doors. He quickly opened one door and stepped through, dragging Gwen along.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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