Half and Half Bastard

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Kachan POV

At this point it was 2:30am, I couldn't sleep, and I wasn't going to. Deku had rolled over to the other side of the bed, so I didn't have to worry about un-swaddling him. I got up and quietly left, I was getting answers, one way or another. I went up to the assholes' room and nocked normally, he didn't answer so I knocked a little harder. I was pissed but everyone in the class didn't have to know. He came to he door after my thousandth knock, when he saw me he seemed surprised, along with... scared? Why would he be scared of me? I mean he should be, but knew he wasn't, something was definitely up. 'Move,' I said, he stepped aside and I walked in, he closed the door behind him. "What do you want?" He said, as if he didn't just give me a look of fear and worry, 'Cut the crap! What did you do to Deku?!' His face turned a ghost white, I knew he did something! "What-What are you implying?" 'Im not, I'm stating fact, I know you did or said something...' I let out a few explosions from my hands, 'and your gonna tell me what that was!' He walked past me and sat down on his bed, "I don't need to tell you anything, you need to leave." That pissed me off! How dare he tell me to leave! I grabbed him and threw him onto the wall, and held him by his throat against it, 'Talk!' He just stood there, unmoving and blank, he wouldn't look at me, what the fuck?! I tightened my grip, 'Talk!' "No." 'Why?!' "Because I care too much to see what you would do..." 'What?' "If you'd let me go, I'll tell you, but I'd rather not when your hand is around my throat, I don't want to destroy my room." I let him go and he wheezed slightly, but was still even keel, "As I talk, will you please allow me to finish before you interrupt or attack me?" 'Whatever!' I was so sick of all the run around bullshit! Just fucking get it out with before I kill you! "For some time now, I've liked Midoryia." I was opening my mouth to yell as fire balls shot from my hands but then he formed an ice-dagger, "Shut up and let me finish! I was going to tell him yesterday, but then you both announced your relationship, I was very emotional. Midoryia being the sweet-heart he is came to check on me, in the heat of the moment I..." He paused, wait WTF did he just call him a sweat-heart? I mean he is, but MY sweat-heart! "I kissed him." I was holding back so strongly, I don't even know how... my hands were uncontrollably firing, small things around them were getting slightly burnt. " I regret the circumstances, but not that I did it. So I won't apologize to you for that, I've already apologized to him. He called me down at 1:00 am to tell me he only liked me as a friend, and that he only loved you." 'Yeah, that's why we're dating!!!!!!!' "But I don't see why! All you've done is hurt him, say cruel things, and tell him he was less than you! When he's so much more!" I realized now why Deku was so upset and remembering the past, 'You asshole! You made him have a panic attack!' He stopped, he looked down at the floor then back at me, "Is he alright?!" 'Well he's fine now of course, I comforted him!' He said again, "You need to leave!" This time I didn't say no, 'Fine, I don't wanna be in this wannabe room anyway, oi, one more thing, if I see you anywhere near Deku, you'll die!' I left. When I got back to Dekus room he was awake and sitting on the side of the bed with his back to the door, 'Oh shit, sorry did I wake you up?' "No, I woke up because I had a dream... Where did you go?" I was too busy being mad at Todoroki to remember that Deku had lied to me, but now I did, and I didn't understand why... 'Why did you lie to me Deku?' He stiffened, "I thought you went to Shoto..." 'Why? Why didn't you tell me?' "I was scared of what you might to!" We had circled back, back to me needing restraining, damnit!! "I was scared that you would hurt him, he seemed so sad, I didn't want him to have to fight!" 'You still shouldn't have lied to me about why you were having a panic attack!' "I know I'm sorry! I just didn't want anyone else to get upset!" He walked over to me and hugged me, "Please don't be upset Kachan I'm sorry!" 'I should be the one apologizing, you felt like you had to keep a secret from me because you were scared, of me... and my actions...' he looked up at me, "Let's just go to bed, ok? We can talk more later." I nodded and we both got in bed, I fell asleep, somehow.


Sorry this is only from Kachans POV it got kinda long🤷‍♀️

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