Chapter Syxx: You Did a Great Job

Start from the beginning

"I'm no doctor, but my guess is his leg."

She sent me a glare. She wasn't in the mood for humor when she had Jolene raising hell on the other end of the line.

"A muscle, my best guess. Quad, probably. I'm not sure."

While she was relaying that information to Jolene, Vince finally joined us. He was carrying Kat's daughter on one hip.

"Mommy!" The girl squirmed until Vince put her down.

He took the opportunity of her distraction to sneak away into the trainer's room to find out what was happening. If anyone was going to able to squeeze information out of the trainer, it was Vince.

"Mommy, look, look!" The girl held up a baby doll for Kat to see.

"I see, I see. Papaw bought you another toy you don't need." She rolled her eyes in Vince's general direction. Jolene must've asked about the girl, because Kat answered, "Yeah, she's here. Leslie and the band have a couple gigs this week. Dad's been watching her... and spoiling her."

The girl walked over to me, carrying her doll like a real baby. She had big curious eyes, reminding me of Kat. "What's your name?"

"Shawn. What's yours?"

"Scottie," she told me. "Do you like my baby? Papaw gave it to me."

"It's a very nice baby," I answered. "What's her name?"

"Fiona! Like Shrek."

Cameron watched that movie all the time. Good to know kids get obsessed with the same movies.

"Scottie," Kat called, "Come here and talk to Jam-Jam."

The girl ran over to take the phone and start babbling to Jolene about her new baby doll.

Kat took a seat beside me, sighing. She looked exhausted.


She shook her head. "Kev's idea; Joli's initials. It's easier for Scottie to say."


"Was she bothering you?"

I shook my head. "No, not at all. She's a cute kid."

Kat smiled, watching the girl. "There is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for her."

The love she felt for that little girl was truly something to be admired. I didn't doubt her words for a second. A parent's love for a child knows no bounds.

"Cameron's not that outgoing," I said, thinking of my own son. "He's shy around new people. He's only two though, so he's got time to grow."

"Scottie will talk to anyone," she replied. "It helps that she knows most of everyone here. She's practically grown up backstage."

"I imagine everyone's used to her running around, then."

"Oh yeah. You know, Dad used to bring Steph and I all the time. We would get so excited to come and see the wrestlers. Did I ever tell you who my favorite was when I was little?"

"I'd guess Hulk. Wasn't he every kid's favorite for your age?"

She smiled. "He was cool too, but our favorite was always Andre. We would call him our best friend."

"He was a legend."

"He was larger than life!" I had missed that sparkle in her eye. "I wish he could have met Scottie. He would've loved her."

"I don't see how anyone could not love her. She's a sweetheart." I met Kat's eyes. "You did a great job."

Kat looked at me for a long moment. I guess she was either shocked by the statement or she didn't believe me. "Thank you," she said sincerely.

Paul Wight, also known as the Big Show, joined us after he showered and changed. He scooped up little Scottie and lifted her onto his tall shoulders, receiving giggles from the girl.

"Looks like she's got her own Andre," I commented.

Kat smiled again, which I always loved to see. "I guess she does."

Show, still with a tot on his shoulders, turned to Kat and I. I have to say, he looks infinitely larger from a seat on the floor.

"Have you heard anything?" he asked.

I shook my head, while Kat stood to grab the phone back from Scottie. She practically had to jump to reach her daughter's hand. Jolene was still on the line, and I had no doubt she would be for the rest of the night.

Finally, Vince emerged from the room. I stood, ready to finally hear something.

"He's torn his quad," Vince announced, just like I suspected. "It's going to take surgery and recovery. They're going to take him over to the hospital."

"Alright, I'll ride with big guy." I turned to Kat. "I assume you and Jolene coming?"

"I'll meet you there." She jammed her phone between her ear and her shoulder as she held her arms out for Scottie. Show handed the girl over. "I need to find Steph and ask her to watch Scottie for the night."

That was smart. We were in for an even longer night at hospital, for sure. I couldn't leave Kev when he needed me, especially when he had always been there for me.

Kat seemed to share the sentiment. Once a member of the Kliq, always a member of the family.

therealmak and -1999FANGS have both started great Shawn fics that you should check out!! Go show them some love!!

------A/N-ATTENTION STANStherealmak and -1999FANGS have both started great Shawn fics that you should check out!! Go show them some love!!

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ALSO happy late birthday to my boy Shwan

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ALSO happy late birthday to my boy Shwan. I hope it was special and that there are many more!

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