Drunk Mr. Malek | R.M

Start from the beginning

"Yes, we've got a problem. So, Rami's very wasted now and he really needs to go home-- Is that Y/N you calling?"

Your eyes widen when you heard a familiar voice in the background, shouting.

"Yes, it's your PA, Rami. Now you sit down and just wait-- But I want to talk to her!"

You heard them arguing about the phone and fighting over it. And you had to listen to it.

"Hey Y/N! You should really come here-- (burp)"

"Mr. Malek? Is everything alright?" You asked. You heard Joe on the phone and telling the rest of his friends to stay with Rami.

"We tried letting him go home but he said he wasn't going home without you. I'm really sorry to bother you, Miss but he really needs you."

You sighed. It was suppose to be your relaxing night and now you have to take care of your boss who is drunk. Great, you thought. Tou sighed before giving him your answer.

"Alright, Sir. Give me the address, I'm taking the cab." You said. Joe gave you the address to the bar before hanging up the phone. What is up with Rami right now?


As soon as you reached the bar that they were at. You paid then driver the fee and went straight inside the bar. It was still very crowded at this time and people were everywhere. This was not your type of place to stay.

You searched for Rami's or Joe's face everywhere. You pushed people off who were out of your way. Why do people even go here? You said to yourself.

You finally saw Joe's hand waving at you. They were in the bar where the drinks are. You hurriedly went to them.

Rami was really really wasted. He was so messed up. You were close with him but you haven't seen him like this before. He was leaning on the table. His head was on his hands and he was looking down.

"Don't know what happened to him. His mood suddenly switched." You heard Joe's voice and it startled you.

"Mr. Mazzello." You said, formally.

"Just call me Joe. We're not in the office." He said. "I'm sorry but I really have to leave now or else my wife would kill me. I still have important matters to do. Thank you, Y/N for being here. Good luck with him." Joe said that and left you with the messed up Rami.

You groaned at yourself. Why did this happen to me? I was suppose to have a relaxing night and this happened--

Your thoughts were cut off when you heard Rami groaned. You almost forgot he was here.

You reached out to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Malek. It's me, Y/N." You said softly. "I'll take you home."

He didn't say anything so you placed his arm around your shoulder and got him out of the seat.

"You are heavy." You mumbled to yourself as you were walking, trying to balance so that both of you won't fall.

It took you almost ten minutes to reach to his car, which was outside of the bar. You got his keys from his pocket. You had a hard time getting it because you didn't want him to fall off.

When you finally got his keys, you unlocked the car and opened the passenger's door and carefully place him inside. You reclined the seat so that he could be comfortable. You closed the door and went to the driver's seat. You started the car and sighed.

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