the angel and the soldier pt6

Start from the beginning

One year later

"Steve, is this really necessary?" I asked, and fidgeted in the tight black dress, draping my slender body. My colorful red hair was curled, and makeup marred my natural beauty, but Tasha was adamant we play dress up, "is it customary to celebrate a newly betrothed couple, is that not what the wedding is for, I still don't understand?"
It'd been a year since that fateful night out on the quad, and while we didn't make love, that night, like I wanted too, we worshipped each other's bodies, like any young couple very much in love.
I stayed in his room, as we slowly began to find a routine for he and I, and the intensity to which we needed each other. Even if we were busy with the daily chore of being protectors of humanity, I would make sure I touched him, or kissed his body, reassuring him and myself that he was mine and I was his.
He laughed more, and seemed so happy, as I was, but I was still learning how to be human, and it caused a few issues, especially when I came to sex, and my safety.
Steve was afraid he'd hurt me, and while Natasha explained the ins and outs of sex, quite a bit more than I needed, to be honest, he was afraid he would be too big for my smaller body, but I was adamant I wanted to know him the human way of making love, no matter the pain. We in fact discussed it quite a bit, but I also learned he was, what Bucky called old fashioned, and believed in courting, or dating, but Steve and I already knew we would live together and die together. I didn't understand the concept of waiting, or why we couldn't try, but after six months, after curling up in bed, after a bath together, I pleaded to experience him as a woman in love with her man.
He only relented because he couldn't hold out any longer, as I couldn't. It hurt, but I had experienced pain before, but it was still beautiful, and I felt an even deeper connection. Tears poured from my eyes, not in pain, but because I could feel him in ways I didn't know existed. Steve was so soft, hard, and touched me as if I would break, but I was a warrior, in love with my human, and I ached to know him this way.
My soul burned brighter as he slowly sank in between my legs, and glowed a dark purple to both our surprises. I didn't understand why, neither of us did, but oh I just loved him so much more, and enjoyed his body, and every single piece of his soul as much as I could.
"Uh, you're glowing again, like when we're in bed, and sweetheart, I love you, and this serum in my blood can pretty much allow me to do almost anything, but your sex drive's wearing me out," he snickered, and came up behind me, in a dark blue three piece suit. A red handkerchief was in his pocket, and the suit brought out the blue in his eyes.
I took a minute and looked at our reflection in the floor length mirror. Our features had changed, just a bit, but our eyes were brighter, and both our bodies were more relaxed, and calm. My own body had gone through some changes, and my weight seemed to fluctuate based on my moods and the food I ate, but it centered on my bottom, legs and hips. Steve actually didn't seem to mind, enjoyed really, but as our life with each other began to come together, I began working out with Tasha, and Bucky, making my power and gift available for use.
I looked more human, and my smile was genuine, as Steve met my eyes in the mirror.
"Am I really wearing you out?" I giggled, and brushed my lips over his cheek.
"No, but we can do that later, I have a surprise for you waiting at the tower," he mumured and reached for my hand.
I turned to follow him, seeing the scars on my back, raising the skin noticeably. I didn't shy from them, but caught myself looking at them, and thinking about my brethren, and my father.
"They're just scars angel," Steve reassured, and dragged me to his truck parked out front, "and I really hope I didn't commit some sin, by letting you manhandle me before I put a ring on your finger.."
I snorted, and laughed at the human noise I made, "my father doesn't bother himself with such things, as long as you love me, and I love you, we have only been given the gift of loving one another without impunity, now, what surprise, is the party not enough..?"
"You know how Tony is, and Pepper's happy for us doll," he replied, and ran his hands through his hair as he drove through traffic and headed towards the tower, "and you'll see when we get to the tower..."
"Steve...I..I love you, and I don't need all this, but thank you.." I declared, and squeezed his hand in mine, just wanting to spend the day with him, anywhere but surrounded by people.
It was still a little difficult for me to be around dozens of people for long periods of time without being overloaded by emotions.
My teammates did not cause such problems, but my power, and internal sense of souls made it hard to be around humans that were not honorable. When I first met General Ross, I almost gagged, with turmoil, as the same lunacy and lust for power seeped through his pores. I rose above him, once he demanded my allegiance, and blood, but I used to be a soldier of God, one of his oldest, and an archangel. I was unrelenting, and used my power to remove such a despicable human away from my charges. The leery man didn't seem to care for Steve, and that's where my patience stopped. I wasn't loyal to anyone, but Steve and his team, and I didn't bow, and had a hard time keeping myself from killing him.
"I love you too, and you look beautiful," Steve commented, and kissed my hand, "honey, I'm so, you make everything I've been through worth it..."
"I understand, my brightest of lights," I sighed happily, and watched him wave through the busy streets.
"You know, I love it when you call me that," he mentioned, as we pulled into the tower, feeling a familiar, yet unfamiliar light brush against my bare skin, "and before we go to the ballroom, there something waiting for you in one of the conference room..I..I know how much you miss..I just c'mon angel."
"I don't understand, what...Steve, we've had this discussion," I growled, and crossed my arms over my chest as we stepped into the elevator, and made our way to the tenth floor.
"Hey, look at me, I know you're with me, and I'm with you, but...I wanted to do something special for you, besides finding you the perfect ring, fit for my archangel," he embued, as the doors opened, and our friends were crowded around the room. I rolled my eyes, but looked at my engagement ring. The stone shined like a soul, and silver wings guarded the diamond, surrounded by white gold. It was beautiful, and I loved it, but he could of put an onion ring on my finger and I would of been happy, which he seemed to get a kick out of.
"I told you, all I needed was you," I mumbled, and finally gave him a smile, while another brush of light brushed against my cheek, "but I don't understand...."
"(Y/n)?" A gravely voice called out, as our friends parted the way. I recognized the voice, but I stepped back, refusing to give in to the hope now blossoming in my chest, "sister..?"
My eyes finally found dark blue eyes, his dark hair, and lean body, covered in a nice jeans, a black button up, and leather jacket.
"Cas...Castiel.." I gasped, and glanced up at Steve, "you found my brother..."
"Yes..I know how much you miss home, no matter what you say, and you've mentioned Castiel's name before, as well as the names of his charges, so I found him, and wanted him to be here to celebrate with us," Steve remedied, and kissed my lips.
"I love you, and I...thank you, my dearest love," I whispered, as tears poured over my cheeks, and I ran towards my brother crashing into his chest, and letting his smell soak into my clothes and nose, "you're here...I missed you so much..I was so scared I'd never see you again.."
"Uh, should we give you guys a minute Cas?" A deep voice called out from behind him, as beautiful green eyes peered over my brother's shoulder.
"No, Dean it's fine," Castiel murmured into my hair, and squeezed my smaller body, "I missed you too, and I'm so proud of you.."
"So you're an angel too? Or were?" His charge named Dean asked, as another unfamiliar tall human stood next to Dean, shaking his head of long hair.
I calmly let go of my brother, but kept his hand in mine, refusing to let go, "I was yes, but I'm something new now," I stated proudly, "I am a soldier for humanity, as much as a friend, and soon wife of my brightest of lights..."
"She's more than that," Steve asserted, and wrapped a protective arm around my waist, "but thank you for coming, and you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want, we have rooms set up at the facility for all of you."
"Thank you Captain Rogers, I'm sure Sam and Dean would get a kick out of that," Castiel smiled, and touched my face.
"You're damn right I would, we get to stay with the Avengers.." Dean mused excitedly.
"Dean..?" His brother Sam cautioned and rolled his eyes, "thank you, and we appreciate it, it's been awhile since we've had a break..."
"Then stay at long at you need," I embued, and wrapped my arms around Castiel again, sending out a prayer to my father in thanks, and gratitude, "you were right, my brother.."
"I usually am (y/n)," Castiel snickered, "and we're here, happy, among the men and women we love most, and that's all I could ever ask for.."
"The same goes for me," I whispered, and fell back against my human, "thank you Steve..."
"You're welcome angel," he murmured, and wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me in nothing but love, and hope.

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