Sweden's Dick: The Best Story Ever

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Once upon a time, Sweden had a dick. It was bigger than everyone else's.

Sweden liked to rape with his dick (something that was, in fact, absolutely terrible), especially the Nordics and Doitsu.

But one day, he got ran (run??) over by a Pepsi truck. The truck was being driven by Todoroki. Todoroki from that game Deltarune. He wasn't paying attention to the road 'cause he was reading Tododeku doujin.

"Sugoi desu ne", he said as he steered with his knees while flipping the page.

Suddenly, the Pepsi truck turned into a pickle. Todoroki was terribly allergic to the color green so he died.

Sweden got up and wiped the dust off his shoulders, hoW FABULOUS

Just before Todoroki died, Shrek came to the rescue. Until Todoroki died again. Because Shrek was green as well. This saddened Shrek so much he cried ogrely tears.

Sweden started to cry because Shrek was crying that Todoroki died.

Then Iceland came and was all like "hEy wAT tHE fAkKu YoU dO?!"

Sweden's dick then turned into a pickle. He then unzipped his pants and took off his boxers, while waving his pickle dick proudly.

"Mama mia!" said Iceland.

Iceland started to drool. He really wanted dat pickle-dick.

He took a pickle out and did the succ

Shrek took off his pants in memorial of Todoroki, Iceland saw how huge his dick was but then didn't want to leave Sweden's already 🅱️ig dick. So he decided to measure them

Sweden screeched and reached his climax idk why, but it looked faBULOUS

Shrek felt so uncomfortable that he poked Sweden's eye out with his dick and he roasted it. YUMMY FINGER-LICKING SVE EYEBALL


Iceland started to succ Sweden's dick even harder but he accidentally bit it off and had to eat his dick. (Don't you hate it when that happens??)

Then the magical unicorn Gerlóc flew through the window. Meanwhile, the guys from Big Time Rush danced in the background to the Hetalia theme song.

Then Chuck Norris came and started to do some gay fortnite emotes. This triggered Caillou, who was having a threesome with lil yachty. Then Eric Cartman ate Caillou's parents. Will Smith then said "tHaTs HoT", and then Sweden realized he was an eunuch (top 10 anime plot twists)

Then the green car from cars zoomed in and ran into Sweden violently.

Sweden eefed.

And then the teletubbies got out of the car and did their Satan dance.

Obama was horrified. Chuck Norris kissed Obama 😳👊😱

In Soviet Russia, Obama kiss Chuck Norris 😨🤔

Then Sportacus came to save the day.

Thanos spawned and killed Norway's butter which randomly appeared 69 seconds ago. Then Robbie Rotten (F) ate Thanos' dick, seasoning it with the corpse of Norway's butter.

"Wow authors, what you do?" Said Iceland, looking at the camera.

"Freija's tits!!" Exclaimed Noruwei as he saw the defilement of the beautiful butter.  *drools homer simpson style*


Then Sweden's dick magically grew back. "I 'm ' h'dr' "  (I am a Hydra)!!! said Sweden.  Then Iceland got happy, cuz he can succ Ikea's dick again :D

Then Texan god like flew down from da sky and was all like "What tf is this story like yay and stuff"


"Restrict my airflow father!!!!!" said Iceland

"What the fuck is this anymore" I (me) asked with cO N cE Rn 

Then mah (-iridian) nyo!version started to take some 🔥🔥🔥h o t🔥🔥🔥 pics with Japot 'n Hungry

"This story is hell" I (HetaStuck_Is_Life) say with 😂

"lol no as long as ice succs mah dick i feel alright" ikea said as he thrusted his ikea deeper in icelands throat

Unfortunately, his padingdong was so effing long it poked a hole in his lungs and Iceland DIED

Then Norway was all like "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life". Everybody started to pray. Sweden convulsed violently. Apparently, there was a monk's spirit cohabitating within him.

Then Denmark said "WOOOW! HOLY SPIRIT!!" and he dropped to his knees and started to sell his soul to the Thing.

The THING humbly accepted and Denmark turned into dust.

"Yay! Now NorIce may sail!!" FINELAND randomly popped out of the bushes. An atomic bomb suddenly fell and wiped out everyone.

Oopsie doopsy, now nobody can fuck.

But then, Sealand, comes back to earth. How? He's a smart kid, so he accepted Satan's pact of immortality

(Me: That was, indeed, very smart of him

-iridian: Yes, he can be a smart kiddo when he needs to)

And den da atom bomb was reversed by the power of Star Trek and Holy Spirit was like "Mamma Mia!!!!!!" (h e e e   r  e    i     g O    a G a iN)

Sealand then got on his knees next to Berwald, and quoted the song I Ain't gonna Die Tonight:


And then he got kicked out the window

T H E   E N D

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