Chapter Two -- Responsible And Irresponsible

Start from the beginning

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Starla lounged in the shallow end of the pool while Seth swam laps. Kendra was applying sunscreen to her arms and legs.

"Would you like some help?" Starla asked.

"That's fine. You don't have to get out," Kendra replied. "That's why I brought the mirror." She held up a small hand mirror. "And to get back at Seth."

As Seth emerged from the water, she used the mirror to reflect the sun in his face.

"Hey!" Seth yelped, holding up a hand to block the light.

"I think Seth's learned his lesson, Kendra," Starla sighed. Kendra put down the mirror.

"Thanks," Seth said with embarrassment. Starla smiled back.

Kendra spent about two hours in the pool and then got out. Starla decided to join her, picking up her white towel as she passed it.

Seth did not join them, but climbed on top of the big rock near the deep end. "Watch this can opener!" He jumped into the water, bending one leg and keeping the other straight.

Kendra was staring at the table and didn't answer. Starla groaned inwardly when she saw that a swarm of fairies had landed on top of it, staring at their reflections in the mirror.

"I look the prettiest," said a fairy with feathery red wings.

"No way, Flair, not with those wings," another fairy snorted delicately.

"Do they usually do that?" Kendra whispered to Starla.

"Yes," Starla responded, carefully making sure to speak English. "It's fascinating, but none of us know why they do that." Oh, she hated lying. But she had to protect them.

"Ignorant mortals," said the red fairy hotly. "Why do you speak to them, Lady Starla?"

"Seth, come look at this," Kendra whispered.

Seth frowned but climbed out of the pool. He stopped, staring at the fairies -- which they probably saw as butterflies, hummingbirds and bumblebees. "What's their deal?"

The fairies tittered rudely, as if Seth had said something idiotic. Starla secretly sent them a stern look.

"Starla says it happens all the time, but no one knows why," Kendra whispered back.

"Weird," Seth said.

"Weird?" several fairies chorused, outraged.

"I think it's fascinating, Seth," Starla murmured, and the fairies all relaxed a bit. "Nature is beautiful and mysterious, isn't it?"

"Yes," Kendra agreed, staring at the fairies.

"If it's frogs and bats and stuff," Seth snorted. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"I'll get the mirror," Starla said before they could start another argument. "I'll meet you back at the house."

"Whatever," Seth snorted, and he ran to the path, grabbing his towel as he went.

Kendra gave her a searching look, then followed her brother.

When Kendra and Seth we're out of sight, Starla turned back to the fairies. "Please be careful," she said in Silvian. "My cousins don't know about our world." She went to take the mirror, but several fairies picked it up and held it out.

"So we can't look at any mirrors the mortals bring out?" Flair complained.

"Not unless they somehow find out about Fablehaven," Starla replied gently, taking the hand mirror. "Please keep a low profile."

"We'll try, Lady Starla," another fairy responded.

"And please don't call me Lady Starla."

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When Starla returned to the playroom, Kendra was the only one there.

"Where's Seth?" Starla asked warily.

"He went back outside to chase bees," Kendra replied without looking up from the telescope. "I could only find where one of the keys goes."

"If I helped you-" Starla began gently.

"-I wouldn't learn," Kendra sighed, annoyed. "I've been searching for a while."

"Well, I'll give you a hint," Starla smiled. "There isn't one on the telescope."

Kendra nodded gratefully, then put the keys back on her bed and opened the window.

Starla pulled another book off the shelf and sat down.

"I think I'll go check on Seth," Kendra said, her voice distant. "Be right back."

"All right," Starla replied without looking up. Kendra left.

Starla was just finishing her book when Kendra came rushing back, annoyed and faintly worried.

"Seth's not in the yard and I can't find him in the house," Kendra told her.

Alarmed, Starla leaped to her feet. This was very, very bad.

Adopted into Fablehaven Book 1 -- FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now