Chapter 15: An ostrich and a cub (Part 1)

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But instead of answering, Chaeng responded with a cute chuckle.

'What?' The two asked, oblivious of why the cub is laughing.

'Haha it's just your reaction unnies. It's so funny HAHAHHAHA' the cub laughed even more.

The two felt relieved. Jeongyeon ruffled the cub's hair while Jihyo pinches the cheeks.

'What's this commotion?' Someone asked. They all turned and it's the owner of the bar.

They all stood up. Jeongyeon and Jihyo, through instincts, fixed Chaeng's clothes. Like parents.

'Chaeng just wanted to see her sister and hopefully eat here but since it's closed we might just go somewhere else to eat' Jeongyeon answered headlocking Chaeng.

'I thought you went to buy groceries yesterday?' Jihyo asked.

'Oh, I was in my office finishing up some work the whole day yesterday. I didn't get to go' Jeongyeon answered.

'Unnie~ let go!' Chaeng interrupted the conversation trying to come out from Jeongyeon's arm.

The two laughed out loud while the cub chuckle.

Watching, Mark felt jealous. The two are now so close and laughing together.

What can I do to separate them?

'Wait, you don't have work today? Why did you come to work then?' Jeongyeon asked the girl who's packing up her stuff on the counter. While Chaeng also waits for an answer.

'They needed help to clean so I just went' Jihyo responded.

She turned to the two and the two were looking at her with furious eyes.

'WAHAHAHA what?' She laughed out loud.

'Unnie, we could've gone somewhere!' Chaeng whined.

'Yeah, we could've gone to an amusement park!' Jeongyeon followed. And when the two realizes it.

The ostrich ad the cub gasped,

'Everland!' The pointed at each other and laughed as they had the same idea.

Jihyo found it cute. To think someone could be this close to Chaeng in such a small amount of time, it's really amusing. She's never seen the cub have fun talking with other people.

'Unnie, aren't you forgetting something?' The cub asked smiling.

Jihyo seemed confused and tilted her head.

'Oh. Maybe you'll remember later when we hang out' The cub chuckled mischieviously.

'Ouuuuuu I'm hearing fun. Where are we heading?' Mark sneaked up on Jihyo and snakes his arm around Jihyo's waist.

Jihyo was startled when she's supposed to be used to it now since Mark always does that.

You look good with him...

Just when Jihyo was expecting Jeongyeon to reject the guy's offer,

'Okay, let's go?' Jeongyeon turned around putting his arm on Chaeng's shoulder and they walked.

'Wahhhh! Everland!!!!!' The cub screamed in excitement like a kid when in reality she's an adult. But of course, still a baby in Jihyo's and Jeongyeon's eyes.

'Wait up, Chaeng!' Jeongyeon ran after the cub who literally sprinted her way in.

The two who was left behind just chuckled.

'I've never seen Jeongyeon handle a kid before' Mark chuckled.

'She's quite amazing to be that close to Chaeng. My sister doesn't really like human beings' Jihyo joked.





An ostrich and a cub were in their own world. Amused by almost everything. Mouth opened, eyes sparkling.

The image of the two was cute in Jihyo's eyes that made her giggle.

'Why are you giggling?' Mark asked who's holding hands with her.

'It's just funny how they're so into it. Especially Jeongyeon' Jihyo chuckled.

'Haha-ha... yeah..' Mark looked down on the ground.

Jihyo noticed it.

'What's wrong, oppa?'

'It's just that... you always talk about Jeongyeon now...' with that instant, Jihyo felt guilty. She immediately felt bad for the guy but one question lingers in her mind. Why?

'I-I'm sorry, oppa... let's just go somewhere else, yeah?' Jihyo tried to cheer up the guy.

'Haha alright'

Jihyo went up to the who are into the penguins, imitating how penguins walk.

'Hey, Chaeng' the two looked at her.

'We'll be separating ways for now. Just gonna have an alone time with Mark-oppa' Jihyo fixed the girl's bear-ears headband.

'But unnie, we're supposed to hang out today' the cub pouted.

Looking at it, Jeongyeon felt the same way. She knows how Chaeng feels and she feels the exact sane way. But being the older one who's supposed to understand things like this, she patted Chaeng's shoulder.

'Chaeng. Why don't we go right the roller coaster?' She leaned in hoping the cub would take the bait.

'But, unnie...'

'Let's go but every food in the stalls, how's that?' And this time, Chaeng's face lit up.


'Sorry, Chaeng... I promise, next time we'll hang out' Jihyo kissed the girl's crown and left her smiling.

The two watched the girl leave her sights.

'Jeongyeon-unnie...' Chaeng softly calldd out.

Jeongyeon replied with a hum and looked down on the girl. A sad cub.

'It's my birthday today...'


This is the longest chapter I wrote that it needs a part 2

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