I saw it

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I looked through different channels and nothing was good on it until I came across the E! News and saw the Avengers cast on the screen. I decided to watch it and hoped something funny happened so I could tease them. Suddenly a handsome face appeared on the screen and I smiled looking forward to teasing Tom about the interview.

"So Tom now that we know you are dating and we have seen some photos of you, please tell me more about her." The interviewer asked him.

"Well yeah obviously the news is out Ummm... yeah I'm dating this amazing girl who I am lucky enough to call my girlfriend. She's great and we are both from Europe, which is great too aaammm.." Tom chuckled not wanting to say too much.

"What is she like? What do you like the most?" She pressed on to get more details. Tom smiles nervously.

"She is just amazing, she is the most down to earth girl I know, easy going and I love how she still wants to save some money. When I want to spoil her and take her on a date in nice restaurants which are pretty expansive, she's like you know what I really like that burger place that we saw last time or we go to a cheaper kebab shop or something you know. It's just the roots she has and truthfully I saved a lot of money on her behalf. And the food is so good I really like it, it's good." Tom smiled. It was really touching to hear him say those things about me. I felt a little tear in the corner of my eye.

"It looks like you two are having a good time. It's that all you're gonna tell us about her." Tom nervously smiled. He looked around probably trying to get out of it or something.

"Well yeah...all you really need to know is that I love her weary much. Love if you're watching this I LOVE YOU!" He almost yelled the last part with the biggest smile on his face. I haven't seen him this happy before. This made me smile too.

"I love you too Tom," I said with a smile on my face feeling proud of Tom. Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and I felt the sudden force on my back. I panicked a little not knowing who it was.

"Sooo you love me huh?" I heard Tom chuckle behind me. I relaxed in his embraces and smiled.

"Maybe," I smirked looking at him.
"Hmmm... what do I have to do to convince you?" He questioned.

"Well... I guess you're gonna have to think of something." I said playfully. He then leaned in and kissed me on the lips. We were deffenatly making out now.

"If we go upstairs, I could show you how much I love you." He wiggled his eyebrows. I laugh at his comment and leaned into him.

"Maybe." I simply said.

Tom Holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now