You always find a way back (part 1)

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Ricky: hey Tommy hey Adam we should go on a hike I know a great place for us to go hiking.
Tommy: where is it located?  what the name of it?
Adam: I don't care as long as I get to go hiking and eat some kale after.
Ricky: Its called caveman forest I heard there were wolves lurking around out in the forest.
Tommy:ok I'm down.
Adam:FUCK YEAH!!!!
(Adam Ricky and Tommy get in the car and drive off Ricky drives in a no trespassing area)
Tommy: Are you sure we're supposed to be here Ricky?
Ricky: Yeah I went her by myself and nothing happened to me.
Adam: I just want to go on a hike and eat kale.
Tommy: Ok ricky I trust you
(They get out of the car they all put backpacks of hiking gear on they hear something in the distance)
Adam:I don't care let's just get this over with so I can get some kale.
Ricky:oh calm down its probably just a squirrel.
( little did they know it wasn't a squirrel but something much more terrifying)

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